vkGetAdPostsReach {rvkstat}R Documentation

Statistics on The Coverage of Advertising Entries 'Vkontakte'.


Returns detailed statistics on the reach of advertisements from ads and campaigns to promote community entries.


    account_id   = vkCurrentAdAccount(),
    ids_type     = "campaign",
    ids          = NULL,
    username     = getOption("rvkstat.username"),
    api_version  = getOption("rvkstat.api_version"),
    token_path   = vkTokenPath(),
    access_token = getOption("rvkstat.access_token")



Advertising account ID, a list of all available advertising accounts can be obtained using the function vkGetAdAccounts.


The type of objects requested, which are listed in the ids parameter. Valid ad values are ads, campaigns are campaigns.


Vector of id of the requested ads, campaigns, clients or account, depending on what is specified in the ids_type parameter.


Your vkontakte login.


Vkontakte API version.


Path to dir with credentials


API access tokens obtained using vkAuth or vkGetToken functions


Campaign statistics are only available for campaigns created since December 20, 2016. The video_views_start, video_views_3s, video_views_25p, video_views_50p, video_views_75p, video_views_100p fields with video statistics data are returned only for ads or campaigns from videos created after January 26, 2017.


Date frame with community statistics with the following values:

1. id

object ID from the ids parameter.

2. reach_subscribers

reach subscribers.

3. reach_total

total coverage.

4. links

follow the link.

5. to_group

transitions to the community.

6. join_group

entry into the community.

7. report

number of complaints about the record.

8. hide

number of entries hidden.

9. unsubscribe

number of unsubscribe members.

10. video_views_start

number of starts to watch a video.

11. video_views_3s

number of video inspections up to 3 seconds.

12. video_views_25p

number of video inspections up to 25 percent.

13. video_views_50p

number of video inspections up to 50 percent.

14. video_views_75p

number of video inspections up to 75 percent.

15. video_views_100p

The number of video inspections is up to 100 percent.


Alexey Seleznev


Documentation for API method ads.getPostsReach: https://vk.com/dev/ads.getPostsReach


## Not run: 
## auth
my_tok <- vkAuth(app_id = 1, app_secret = "H2Pk8htyFD8024mZaPHm")

## camp list
camp <- vkGetAdCampaigns(account_id = 1, 
                         access_token = my_tok$access_token)

## Get statistics on advertising campaigns
post_reach <- vkGetAdPostsReach(account_id = 1600134264,
                                ids_type = "campaign",
                                ids = camp$id,
                                access_token = my_tok$access_token)

## End(Not run)

[Package rvkstat version 3.2.0 Index]