rViewGraph {rviewgraph}R Documentation

This is a function to create and start a 'Java' graph animation GUI.


Creates and starts an animated graphical user interface (GUI) for positioning the vertices of a graph in 2 dimensions.


rViewGraph(object, names, cols, shapes, layout, directed, running, ...)

## Default S3 method:
  names = NULL,
  cols = "yellow",
  shapes = 0,
  layout = NULL,
  directed = FALSE,
  running = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'igraph'
  names = igraph::V(object)$name,
  cols = "yellow",
  shapes = 0,
  layout = igraph::layout.random(object),
  directed = igraph::is.directed(object),
  running = TRUE,



the object specifying the graph. This can be specified in various ways:

  • A square n = dim(object)[1] by n real valued incidence matrix. This will create a graph with n vertices indexed by 1:n and edges between vertices with indices i and j if object[i,j] != 0. If the graph is directed edges are directed from i to j if the entry is positive, and from j to i if the entry is negative.

  • An m = dim(object)[1] by 2 matrix of positive integers specifying the indexes of the vertices at the ends of m edges. This will create a graph with n = max(object) vertices indexed by 1:max(object) and edges connecting the vertex indexed by object[i,1] to the vertex indexed by object[i,2] for each i in 1:m. If the graph is directed, the edges are directed from object[i,1] to object[i,2]. NOTE: A 2 by 2 matrix will be interpreted as an incidence matrix, not an array of edges.

  • A vector of 2*m positive integers specifying the indexes of the vertices at the ends of m = length(object)/2 edges. This is the way in which igraph specifies edges. If x is such a vector, calling rViewGraph{x} is equivalent to calling rViewGraph(matrix(x,ncol=2,byrow=F)).

  • An igraph graph object.


the names of the vertices. This is an object that can be interpreted as a vector of strings that will be used to label the vertices. If the length is less than the number of vertices, the names will be cycled. The default is names = 1:n, where n is the number of vertices. If unlabeled vertices are required use, for example, names=" ". The size of the string is used to determine the size of the vertex so, for instance, names = " A " will produce bigger vertices than names = "A".


the colours of the vertices. This is on object that can be interpreted as a vector of colours specified in the usual R ways. If the length is less than the number of vertices, the colours will be cycled. The default is cols = "yellow".


the shapes of the vertices. This is a vector of integers specifying the shapes of the vertices. The available shapes are:

  • 0 = rectangle

  • 1 = oval

  • 2 = diamond

  • any other values are taken as 0.

The default is shapes = 0.


the starting positions of the vertices. This is an n by 2 array of reals with layout[i,] specifying the horizontal and vertical coordinates for the starting point of the ith vertex. By default this is set to NULL in which case random starting points are used.


indicates whether or not the graph is directed.


indicates whether or not to start with the animation running.


passed along extra arguments.


Creates and starts a 'Java' GUI showing a real time animation of a Newton-Raphson optimization of a force function specified between the vertices of an arbitrary graph. There are attractive forces between adjacent vertices and repulsive forces between all vertices. The repulsions go smoothly to zero in a finite distance between vertices so that, unlike some other methods, different components don't send each other off to infinity.

The program is controlled by a slide bar, some buttons, the arrow, home and shift keys, but mostly by mouse operations. All three mouse buttons are used. The interactive mouse, key and slide bar operations are described below.


rViewGraph is intended only for interactive use. When used in a non-interactive environment it immediately exits returning the value NULL. Otherwise, all versions of rViewGraph return a list of functions that control the actions of the interactive viewer.


Starts the GUI running if it's not already doing so.


Stops the GUI running if it's running.


Stops the GUI and hides it.


Shows the GUI. If it was running when hide was called, it starts running again.


Returns the coordinates of the vertices as currently shown in the GUI. These are given as an n by 2 array as required for the layout parameter of rViewGraph itself.

setLayout(layout = NULL)

Sets the coordinates of the vertices to the given values. layout is specified in the same way as required for the layout parameter of rViewGraph itself. The default has layout set to NULL, and new random coordinates are generated.


By default the GUI indicates, with a different colour, the portion of the plane that corresponds to the current choice of paper for printing. This function removes that area.

showPaper(size = "letter", landscape = TRUE)

Indicates, with a different colour, the portion of the plane corresponding to a choice of paper for printing. size can be any of letter, A4, A3, A2, A1, A0, C1, or C0. landscape can be either TRUE or FALSE, in which case portrait orientation is used. The default is to show the portion of the plane that would be printed on US letter in landscape orientation.


By default, axes are shown to indicate the origin. This function hides them.


Shows the axes if they are hidden.


This starts a Java PostScript print job dialog box that can be used send the current view of the graph to a printer or to write a PostScript file. The plot produced should closely match what is indicated by showPaper.


Alias for writePostScript.

Interactive mouse, key and slide bar controls


Alun Thomas


A full description of the force function and algorithm used is given by C Cannings and A Thomas, Inference, simulation and enumeration of genealogies. In D J Balding, M Bishop, and C Cannings, editors, The Handbook of Statistical Genetics. Third Edition, pages 781-805. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2007.



# First generate the random edges of an Erdos Renyi random graph.
f = sample(100,size=200,replace=TRUE)
t = sample(100,size=200,replace=TRUE)

# The following should all show the same graph:
# ... specified as a two column matrix.
v1 = rViewGraph(cbind(f,t))

# ... in 'igraph' preferred format.
v2 = rViewGraph(c(f,t))

# ... as an adjacency matrix.
x = matrix(0,ncol=max(f,t),nrow=max(f,t))
for (i in 1:length(f)) x[f[i],t[i]] = 1
v3 = rViewGraph(x)

# Specifying names, colours and shapes.

# Use unlabeled vertices, as red, green and blue diamonds.
v4 = rViewGraph(cbind(f,t), names = "  ", cols = c(2,3,4), shapes=2)

# Use yellow vertices with random shapes, labeled with capital letters.
y = matrix(sample(1:26,100,TRUE),ncol=2)
v5 = rViewGraph(y,names=LETTERS,cols="cyan",shapes=sample(0:2,26,TRUE))

# Controlling a currently active GUI.
if (!is.null(v5))
	# Shift the coordinates, although this is more 
# easily done with mouse controls.
	v5$setLayout(100 + v5$getLayout())

# Reset the coordinates to random values.

	# Pepare a plot for printing, fix it, and start a PostScript print job.

[Package rviewgraph version 1.4.2 Index]