wku_stats {runexp}R Documentation

Player statistics and probabilities for WKU softball


Statistics and calculated probabilities for each player on the 2013 Western Kentucky University softball team. Data is stored in two data frames: wku_stats contains the game statistics for each player and wku_probs contains the calculated probabilities for each player. Player names and numbers have been replaced with random letters/numbers to preserve anonymity.





An object of class tbl_df (inherits from tbl, data.frame) with 18 rows and 23 columns.

An object of class spec_tbl_df (inherits from tbl_df, tbl, data.frame) with 18 rows and 11 columns.


wku_stats contains the raw player data taken from the 2013 WKU softball team's webpage. wku_probs contains the player probabilities calculated using prob_calc. Together, they provide an example of calculating probabilities from player statistics. See ?prob_calc for more details on the columns of the two data frames.

wku_probs is designed for use with chain and sim. It additionally contains a fast column that indicates whether each player is considered fast. This column is not necessary for running chain and sim, since it is equivalent to the default assignments.




probs <- prob_calc(wku_stats)   # probs corresponds to wku_probs

[Package runexp version 0.2.1 Index]