NCA_set_current_ana {ruminate}R Documentation

Sets Current Analysis


Takes an NCA state and an analysis list and sets that figure list as the value for the active figure


NCA_set_current_ana(state, ana)



NCA state from NCA_fetch_state()


Analysis list from NCA_fetch_current_ana


State with the current analysis updated


# Module IDs                                                                   
id     = "NCA"                                                                 
id_UD  = "UD"                                                                  
id_DW  = "DW"                                                                  
id_ASM = "ASM"                                                                 
# We need session and input variables to be define                             
 sess_res = NCA_test_mksession(session=list(),                                 
      id     = id,                                                             
      id_UD  = id_UD,                                                          
      id_DW  = id_DW,                                                          
      id_ASM = id_ASM,
# Extracting the session and input variables                                   
session      = sess_res$session                                                
input        = sess_res$input                                                  
react_state  = list()                                                          
# We also need configuration files                                             
FM_yaml_file  = system.file(package = "formods",  "templates", "formods.yaml") 
MOD_yaml_file = system.file(package = "ruminate", "templates", "NCA.yaml")     
# Getting the current module state                                             
state = NCA_fetch_state(id             = id,                                   
                       input           = input,                                
                       session         = session,                              
                       FM_yaml_file    = FM_yaml_file,                         
                       MOD_yaml_file   = MOD_yaml_file,                        
                       id_ASM          = id_ASM,                               
                       id_UD           = id_UD,                                
                       id_DW           = id_DW,                                
                       react_state     = react_state)                          
# Pulls out the active analysis                                                
current_ana = NCA_fetch_current_ana(state)

# This will get the dataset associated with this analysis
ds = NCA_fetch_ana_ds(state, current_ana)

# After making changes you can update those in the state
state = NCA_set_current_ana(state, current_ana)

# You can use this to check the current analysis
current_ana = NCA_process_current_ana(state)

# This will pull out the code for the module
fc_res = NCA_fetch_code(state)

# This will use patterns defined for the site to detect
# columns. In this example we are detecting the id column:
id_col = NCA_find_col(
  patterns = state[["MC"]][["detect_col"]][["id"]],
  dscols   = names(ds$DS))

# This creates a new analysis
state = NCA_new_ana(state)

[Package ruminate version 0.2.4 Index]