A strong type system for R

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Documentation for package ‘rtype’ version 0.1-1

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array<- Assign with type checking
atomic<- Assign with type checking
call<- Assign with type checking
character<- Assign with type checking
check<- Assign with type checking
complex<- Assign with type checking
data.frame<- Assign with type checking
declare Declare symbols
double<- Assign with type checking
envir<- Assign with type checking
expression<- Assign with type checking
factor<- Assign with type checking
fun<- Assign with type checking
integer<- Assign with type checking
language<- Assign with type checking
list<- Assign with type checking
logical<- Assign with type checking
matrix<- Assign with type checking
name<- Assign with type checking
null<- Assign with type checking
numeric<- Assign with type checking
object<- Assign with type checking
pairlist<- Assign with type checking
raw<- Assign with type checking
recursive<- Assign with type checking
symbol<- Assign with type checking
table<- Assign with type checking
typed-assign Assign with type checking
vector<- Assign with type checking