rtry_exclude {rtry}R Documentation

Exclude (remove) data


This function takes the input data frame or data table and excludes all records (rows) with the same value in the attribute specified in the argument baseOn if the criteria specified in the arguments for excluding (...) are fulfilled for one of those records.


rtry_exclude(input, ..., baseOn, showOverview = TRUE)



Input data frame or data table.


Criteria for excluding.


The attribute on which excluding is based on. If it is set to ObservationID, the function excludes all records with the respective ObservationID if the specified criteria for excluding is fulfilled for one record. Alternatively, use ObsDataID to exclude only the record (row) for which the specified criterion is fulfilled. Other reasonable parameter values are TraitID, DataID or AccSpeciesID.


Default TRUE displays the dimension of the data after excluding.


An object of the same type as the input data after excluding.


This function makes use of the subset function within the base package.


# Example 1: Exclude observations on juvenile plants or unknown state:
# Identify observations where the plant developmental status (DataID 413) is either
# "juvenile" or "unknown", and exclude the whole observation
data_filtered <- rtry_exclude(data_TRY_15160,
                   (DataID %in% 413) & (OrigValueStr %in% c("juvenile", "unknown")),
                   baseOn = ObservationID)

# Expected message:
# dim:   1618 28

# Example 2: Exclude outliers:
# Identify the outliers, i.e. trait records where the ErrorRisk is larger than 4
# and exclude these records (not the whole observation)
data_filtered <- rtry_exclude(data_TRY_15160,
                   ErrorRisk > 4,
                   baseOn = ObsDataID)

# Expected message:
# dim:   1778 28

# Learn more applications of the excluding function via the vignette (Workflow for
# general data preprocessing using rtry): vignette("rtry-workflow-general").

[Package rtry version 1.1.0 Index]