rtry_bind_col {rtry}R Documentation

Bind data by columns


This function takes a list of data frames or data tables and combines them by columns. The data have to have the same number and sequence of rows.


rtry_bind_col(..., showOverview = TRUE)



A list of data frames or data tables to be combined by columns.


Default TRUE displays the dimension and column names of the combined data.


An object of the same type as the first input.


A common attribute is not necessary (difference to the function rtry_join_left and rtry_join_outer): the binding process simply puts the data side-by-side.


This function makes use of the bind_cols function within the dplyr package.

See Also

rtry_bind_row, rtry_join_left, rtry_join_outer


# Assuming a user has selected different columns as separated data tables
# and later on would like to combine them as one for further processing.
data1 <- rtry_select_col(data_TRY_15160,
           ObsDataID, ObservationID, AccSpeciesID, AccSpeciesName, ValueKindName,
           TraitID, TraitName, DataID, DataName, OrigObsDataID, ErrorRisk, Comment)

data2 <- rtry_select_col(data_TRY_15160,
           OriglName, OrigValueStr, OrigUnitStr, StdValue, UnitName)

data <- rtry_bind_col(data1, data2)

# Expected messages:
# dim:   1782 12
# col:   ObsDataID ObservationID AccSpeciesID AccSpeciesName ValueKindName TraitID
#        TraitName DataID DataName OrigObsDataID ErrorRisk Comment
# dim:   1782 5
# col:   OriglName OrigValueStr OrigUnitStr StdValue UnitName
# dim:   1782 17
# col:   ObsDataID ObservationID AccSpeciesID AccSpeciesName ValueKindName TraitID
#        TraitName DataID DataName OrigObsDataID ErrorRisk Comment OriglName
#        OrigValueStr OrigUnitStr StdValue UnitName

[Package rtry version 1.1.0 Index]