skylark {rtrim}R Documentation

Skylark population data


The Skylark dataset that was included with the original TRIM software.

The dataset can be loaded in two forms. The skylark dataset is exactly equal to the data set in the original TRIM software:

Column Type Description
site integer Site number
time integer Time point coded as integer sequence
count numeric Counted skylarks
Habitat integer Habitat type (1, 2)
Deposition integer Deposition type (1, 2, 3, 4)

The current implementation is more flexible and allows time points to be coded as years and covariates as factors. The skylark2 data set looks as follows.

Column Type Description
site factor Site number
year integer Time point coded as year
count integer Counted skylarks
Habitat factor Habithat type (dunes, heath)
Deposition integer Deposition type (1, 2, 3, 4)
Weight numeric Site weight


data(skylark); data(skylark2)



[Package rtrim version 2.3.0 Index]