Data Analysis Relating to Star Trek

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Documentation for package ‘rtrek’ version 0.4.0

Help Pages

rtrek-package rtrek: Data analysis relating to Star Trek.
ma_article Read Memory Alpha article
ma_image Memory Alpha images
ma_search Memory Alpha site search
mb_article Read Memory Beta article
mb_image Memory Beta images
mb_search Memory Beta site search
mb_timeline Memory Beta timeline
memory_alpha Memory Alpha API
memory_beta Memory Beta API
rtrek rtrek: Data analysis relating to Star Trek.
stapi Retrieve Star Trek data from STAPI
stapiEntities Star Trek API entities.
stBooks Star Trek novel metadata.
stGeo Raster grid location data for stellar cartographic map tile sets.
stLogos Star Trek logos metadata.
stSeries Star Trek series.
stSpecies Species names and avatars, linked primarily from Memory Alpha.
stTiles Available Star Trek map tile sets.
st_books_wiki Go to Wikipedia entry for a specific book series
st_datasets Available datasets
st_font Preview Star Trek fonts
st_logo Star Trek logos
st_tiles Return the URL associated with a tile set
st_tiles_data Ancillary location data for map tiles
st_transcripts Import transcripts
theme_rtrek ggplot2 themes
theme_rtrek_dark ggplot2 themes
tile_coords Simple CRS coordinates
tlBooks Star Trek novel-based timeline.
tlEvents Star Trek event-based timeline.
tlFootnotes Star Trek timeline footnotes.