rtrek-package |
rtrek: Data Analysis Relating to Star Trek |
ma_article |
Read Memory Alpha article |
ma_image |
Memory Alpha images |
ma_search |
Memory Alpha site search |
mb_article |
Read Memory Beta article |
mb_image |
Memory Beta images |
mb_search |
Memory Beta site search |
mb_timeline |
Memory Beta timeline |
memory_alpha |
Memory Alpha API |
memory_beta |
Memory Beta API |
rtrek |
rtrek: Data Analysis Relating to Star Trek |
stapi |
Retrieve Star Trek data from STAPI |
stapiEntities |
Star Trek API entities. |
stBooks |
Star Trek novel metadata. |
stGeo |
Raster grid location data for stellar cartographic map tile sets. |
stLogos |
Star Trek logos metadata. |
stSeries |
Star Trek series. |
stSpecies |
Species names and avatars, linked primarily from Memory Alpha. |
stTiles |
Available Star Trek map tile sets. |
st_books_wiki |
Go to Wikipedia entry for a specific book series |
st_datasets |
Available datasets |
st_font |
Preview Star Trek fonts |
st_logo |
Star Trek logos |
st_tiles |
Return the URL associated with a tile set |
st_tiles_data |
Ancillary location data for map tiles |
st_transcripts |
Import transcripts |
theme_rtrek |
ggplot2 themes |
theme_rtrek_dark |
ggplot2 themes |
tile_coords |
Simple CRS coordinates |
tlBooks |
Star Trek novel-based timeline. |
tlEvents |
Star Trek event-based timeline. |
tlFootnotes |
Star Trek timeline footnotes. |