qpcrMeans {rtpcr}R Documentation

Fold change (ΔΔCT\Delta \Delta C_T method) analysis using a model


Fold change (ΔΔCT\Delta \Delta C_T method) analysis using a model object produced by the qpcrANOVAFC or qpcrREPEATED.


qpcrMeans(model, specs, p.adj = "none")



an 'lmer' fitted model object created by qpcrANOVAFC or qpcrREPEATED functions


A character vector specifying the names of the predictors over which FC values are desired


Method for adjusting p values


The qpcrMeans function performs fold change (ΔΔCT\Delta \Delta C_T method) analysis using a model produced by the qpcrANOVAFC or qpcrREPEATED. The values can be returned for any effects in the model including simple effects, interactions and slicing if an ANOVA model is used, but ANCOVA models returned by rtpcr package only include simple effects.


Table of FC values, significance and confidence interval.


Ghader Mirzaghaderi


# Returning fold change values from a fitted model.
# Firstly, result of `qpcrANOVAFC` or `qpcrREPEATED` is 
# acquired which includes a model object:
res <- qpcrANOVAFC(data_3factor, numberOfrefGenes = 1, mainFactor.column = 1, block = NULL)

# Returning fold change values of Type levels from a fitted model:
qpcrMeans(res$lm_ANOVA, specs = "Type")

# Returning fold change values of Conc levels from a fitted model:
qpcrMeans(res$lm_ANOVA, specs = "Conc")

# Returning fold change values of Conc levels sliced by Type:
qpcrMeans(res$lm_ANOVA, specs = "Conc | Type")

# Returning fold change values of Conc levels sliced by Type*SA:
qpcrMeans(res$lm_ANOVA, specs = "Conc | (Type*SA)")

[Package rtpcr version 2.0.0 Index]