qpcrANOVAFC {rtpcr}R Documentation

Fold change (\Delta \Delta C_T method) analysis using ANOVA and ANCOVA


Fold change (\Delta \Delta C_T method) analysis of qPCR data can be done using ANOVA (analysis of variance) and ANCOVA (analysis of covariance) by the qpcrANOVAFC function, for uni- or multi-factorial experiment data. The bar plot of the fold changes (FC) values along with the standard error (se) and confidence interval (ci) is returned by the qpcrANOVAFC function.


  analysisType = "anova",
  mainFactor.level.order = NULL,
  width = 0.5,
  fill = "#BFEFFF",
  y.axis.adjust = 2,
  y.axis.by = 1,
  letter.position.adjust = 0.1,
  ylab = "Fold Change",
  xlab = "none",
  fontsize = 12,
  fontsizePvalue = 7,
  axis.text.x.angle = 0,
  axis.text.x.hjust = 0.5,
  x.axis.labels.rename = "none",
  p.adj = "none",
  errorbar = "se",
  plot = TRUE



a data frame of condition(s), biological replicates, efficiency (E) and Ct values of target and reference genes. Each Ct value in the data frame is the mean of technical replicates. NOTE: Each line belongs to a separate individual reflecting a non-repeated measure experiment). See vignette, section "data structure and column arrangement" for details.


number of reference genes which is 1 or 2 (up to two reference genes can be handled).


the factor for which fold change expression is calculated for its levels. If ancova is selected as analysisType, the remaining factors (if any) are considered as covariate(s).


should be one of "ancova" or "anova". Default is "anova".


NULL (default) or a vector of main factor level names. If NULL, the first level of the mainFactor.column is used as calibrator. If a vector of main factor levels (in any order) is specified, the first level in the vector is used as calibrator. Calibrator is the reference level or sample that all others are compared to. Examples are untreated of time 0. The FC value of the reference or calibrator level is 1 because it is not changed compared to itself.


column name of the block if there is a blocking factor (for correct column arrangement see example data.). When a qPCR experiment is done in multiple qPCR plates, variation resulting from the plates may interfere with the actual amount of gene expression. One solution is to conduct each plate as a complete randomized block so that at least one replicate of each treatment and control is present on a plate. Block effect is usually considered as random and its interaction with any main effect is not considered.


a positive number determining bar width.


specify the fill color for the columns in the bar plot. If a vector of two colors is specified, the reference level is differentialy colored.


a negative or positive value for reducing or increasing the length of the y axis.


determines y axis step length


adjust the distance between the signs and the error bars.


the title of the y axis


the title of the x axis


font size of the plot


font size of the pvalue labels


angle of x axis text


horizontal justification of x axis text


a vector replacing the x axis labels in the bar plot


Method for adjusting p values


Type of error bar, can be se or ci.


if FALSE, prevents the plot.


Fold change (\Delta \Delta C_T method) analysis of qPCR data can be done using ANOVA (analysis of variance) and ANCOVA (analysis of covariance) by the qpcrANOVAFC function, for uni- or multi-factorial experiment data. If there are more than one factor, FC value calculations for the 'mainFactor.column' and the statistical analysis is performed based on a full model factorial experiment by default. However, if 'ancova' is defined for the 'analysisType' argument, FC values are calculated for the levels of the 'mainFactor.column' and the other factors are used as covariate(s) in the analysis of variance, but we should consider ANCOVA table: if the interaction between the main factor and covariate is significant, ANCOVA is not appropriate in this case. ANCOVA is basically used when a factor is affected by uncontrolled quantitative covariate(s). For example, suppose that wDCt of a target gene in a plant is affected by temperature. The gene may also be affected by drought. Since we already know that temperature affects the target gene, we are interested to know if the gene expression is also altered by the drought levels. We can design an experiment to understand the gene behavior at both temperature and drought levels at the same time. The drought is another factor (the covariate) that may affect the expression of our gene under the levels of the first factor i.e. temperature. The data of such an experiment can be analyzed by ANCOVA or using ANOVA based on a factorial experiment using qpcrANOVAFC. qpcrANOVAFC function performs FC analysis even there is only one factor (without covariate or factor variable). Bar plot of fold changes (FC) values along with the standard errors are also returned by the qpcrANOVAFC function.


A list with 7 elements:


Input data frame plus the weighted Delat Ct values (wDCt)


lm of factorial analysis-tyle


lm of ANCOVA analysis-type


ANOVA table


ANCOVA table

FC Table

Table of FC values, significance and confidence interval and standard error with the lower and upper limits for the main factor levels.

Bar plot of FC values

Bar plot of the fold change values for the main factor levels.


Ghader Mirzaghaderi


Livak, Kenneth J, and Thomas D Schmittgen. 2001. Analysis of Relative Gene Expression Data Using Real-Time Quantitative PCR and the Double Delta CT Method. Methods 25 (4). doi:10.1006/meth.2001.1262.

Ganger, MT, Dietz GD, and Ewing SJ. 2017. A common base method for analysis of qPCR data and the application of simple blocking in qPCR experiments. BMC bioinformatics 18, 1-11.

Yuan, Joshua S, Ann Reed, Feng Chen, and Neal Stewart. 2006. Statistical Analysis of Real-Time PCR Data. BMC Bioinformatics 7 (85). doi:10.1186/1471-2105-7-85.


qpcrANOVAFC(data_1factor, numberOfrefGenes = 1, mainFactor.column = 1, block = NULL, 
fill = c("#CDC673", "#EEDD82"), fontsizePvalue = 5, y.axis.adjust = 0.1)

qpcrANOVAFC(data_2factor, numberOfrefGenes = 1, mainFactor.column = 2, block = NULL, 
analysisType = "ancova", fontsizePvalue = 5, y.axis.adjust = 1)

# Data from Lee et al., 2020, Here, the data set contains technical 
# replicates so we get mean of technical replicates first:
df <- meanTech(Lee_etal2020qPCR, groups = 1:3)
qpcrANOVAFC(df, numberOfrefGenes = 1, analysisType = "ancova", block = NULL, 
mainFactor.column = 2, fill = c("skyblue", "#BFEFFF"), y.axis.adjust = 0.05)

qpcrANOVAFC(data_2factorBlock,  numberOfrefGenes = 1, mainFactor.column = 1, 
mainFactor.level.order = c("S", "R"), block = "block", 
fill = c("#CDC673", "#EEDD82"), analysisType = "ancova",
fontsizePvalue = 7, y.axis.adjust = 0.1, width = 0.35)

df <- meanTech(Lee_etal2020qPCR, groups = 1:3) 
df2 <- df[df$factor1 == "DSWHi",][-1]
qpcrANOVAFC(df2, mainFactor.column = 1, fontsizePvalue = 5, y.axis.adjust = 2,
block = NULL, numberOfrefGenes = 1, analysisType = "anova")

addline_format <- function(x,...){gsub('\\s','\n',x)}
qpcrANOVAFC(data_1factor, numberOfrefGenes = 1, mainFactor.column = 1,
block = NULL, fill = c("skyblue","#79CDCD"), y.axis.by = 1, 
letter.position.adjust = 0, y.axis.adjust = 1, ylab = "Fold Change", 
fontsize = 12, x.axis.labels.rename = addline_format(c("Control", 
                                         "Treatment_1 vs Control", 
                                         "Treatment_2 vs Control")))

[Package rtpcr version 2.0.0 Index]