Interpolation of Data with Variable Spatial Support

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Documentation for package ‘rtop’ version 0.6-9

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rtop-package A package providing methods for analysis and spatial interpolation of data with an irregular support
checkVario Plot variogram fitted to data with support
checkVario.rtop Plot variogram fitted to data with support
checkVario.rtopVariogramModel Plot variogram fitted to data with support
createRtopObject Create an object for interpolation within the rtop package
downloadRtopExampleData Download additional example data
gDist calculate geostatistical distances between areas
gDist.list calculate geostatistical distances between areas
gDist.rtop calculate geostatistical distances between areas
gDist.SpatialPolygons calculate geostatistical distances between areas
gDist.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame calculate geostatistical distances between areas
getRtopParams Setting parameters for the intamap package
plot.rtopVariogramCloud Plot and Identify Data Pairs on Sample Variogram Cloud
readAreaInfo create SpatialPointsDataFrame with observations of data with a spatial support
readAreas help file for creating SpatialPolygonsDataFrame with observations and/or predictionLocations of data with a spatial support
rtopCluster start, access, stop or restart a cluster for parallel computation with rtop
rtopDisc Discretize areas
rtopDisc.rtop Discretize areas
rtopDisc.rtopVariogram Discretize areas
rtopDisc.SpatialPolygons Discretize areas
rtopDisc.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame Discretize areas
rtopFitVariogram Fit variogram model to sample variogram of data with spatial support
rtopFitVariogram.rtop Fit variogram model to sample variogram of data with spatial support
rtopFitVariogram.rtopVariogram Fit variogram model to sample variogram of data with spatial support
rtopFitVariogram.rtopVariogramCloud Fit variogram model to sample variogram of data with spatial support
rtopFitVariogram.SpatialPointsDataFrame Fit variogram model to sample variogram of data with spatial support
rtopFitVariogram.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame Fit variogram model to sample variogram of data with spatial support
rtopKrige Spatial interpolation of data with spatial support
rtopKrige.default Spatial interpolation of data with spatial support
rtopKrige.rtop Spatial interpolation of data with spatial support
rtopKrige.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame Spatial interpolation of data with spatial support
rtopKrige.STSDF Spatial interpolation of data with spatial support
rtopSim Spatial simulation of data with spatial support
rtopSim.default Spatial simulation of data with spatial support
rtopSim.rtop Spatial simulation of data with spatial support
rtopVariogram create variogram for data with spatial support
rtopVariogram.rtop create variogram for data with spatial support
rtopVariogram.SpatialPointsDataFrame create variogram for data with spatial support
rtopVariogram.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame create variogram for data with spatial support
rtopVariogram.STSDF create variogram for data with spatial support
rtopVariogramModel create or update variogram model
sceua Optimisation with the Shuffle Complex Evolution method
updateRtopVariogram create or update variogram model
updateRtopVariogram.rtop create or update variogram model
updateRtopVariogram.rtopVariogramModel create or update variogram model
useRtopWithIntamap Integrates the rtop package with the 'intamap' package
varMat create a semivariogram matrix between a set of locations, or semivariogram matrices between and within two sets of locations
varMat.list create a semivariogram matrix between a set of locations, or semivariogram matrices between and within two sets of locations
varMat.matrix create a semivariogram matrix between a set of locations, or semivariogram matrices between and within two sets of locations
varMat.rtop create a semivariogram matrix between a set of locations, or semivariogram matrices between and within two sets of locations
varMat.SpatialPolygons create a semivariogram matrix between a set of locations, or semivariogram matrices between and within two sets of locations
varMat.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame create a semivariogram matrix between a set of locations, or semivariogram matrices between and within two sets of locations