rtop-package |
A package providing methods for analysis and spatial interpolation of data with an irregular support |
checkVario |
Plot variogram fitted to data with support |
checkVario.rtop |
Plot variogram fitted to data with support |
checkVario.rtopVariogramModel |
Plot variogram fitted to data with support |
createRtopObject |
Create an object for interpolation within the rtop package |
downloadRtopExampleData |
Download additional example data |
gDist |
calculate geostatistical distances between areas |
gDist.list |
calculate geostatistical distances between areas |
gDist.rtop |
calculate geostatistical distances between areas |
gDist.SpatialPolygons |
calculate geostatistical distances between areas |
gDist.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame |
calculate geostatistical distances between areas |
getRtopParams |
Setting parameters for the intamap package |
plot.rtopVariogramCloud |
Plot and Identify Data Pairs on Sample Variogram Cloud |
readAreaInfo |
create SpatialPointsDataFrame with observations of data with a spatial support |
readAreas |
help file for creating SpatialPolygonsDataFrame with observations and/or predictionLocations of data with a spatial support |
rtopCluster |
start, access, stop or restart a cluster for parallel computation with rtop |
rtopDisc |
Discretize areas |
rtopDisc.rtop |
Discretize areas |
rtopDisc.rtopVariogram |
Discretize areas |
rtopDisc.SpatialPolygons |
Discretize areas |
rtopDisc.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame |
Discretize areas |
rtopFitVariogram |
Fit variogram model to sample variogram of data with spatial support |
rtopFitVariogram.rtop |
Fit variogram model to sample variogram of data with spatial support |
rtopFitVariogram.rtopVariogram |
Fit variogram model to sample variogram of data with spatial support |
rtopFitVariogram.rtopVariogramCloud |
Fit variogram model to sample variogram of data with spatial support |
rtopFitVariogram.SpatialPointsDataFrame |
Fit variogram model to sample variogram of data with spatial support |
rtopFitVariogram.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame |
Fit variogram model to sample variogram of data with spatial support |
rtopKrige |
Spatial interpolation of data with spatial support |
rtopKrige.default |
Spatial interpolation of data with spatial support |
rtopKrige.rtop |
Spatial interpolation of data with spatial support |
rtopKrige.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame |
Spatial interpolation of data with spatial support |
rtopKrige.STSDF |
Spatial interpolation of data with spatial support |
rtopSim |
Spatial simulation of data with spatial support |
rtopSim.default |
Spatial simulation of data with spatial support |
rtopSim.rtop |
Spatial simulation of data with spatial support |
rtopVariogram |
create variogram for data with spatial support |
rtopVariogram.rtop |
create variogram for data with spatial support |
rtopVariogram.SpatialPointsDataFrame |
create variogram for data with spatial support |
rtopVariogram.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame |
create variogram for data with spatial support |
rtopVariogram.STSDF |
create variogram for data with spatial support |
rtopVariogramModel |
create or update variogram model |
sceua |
Optimisation with the Shuffle Complex Evolution method |
updateRtopVariogram |
create or update variogram model |
updateRtopVariogram.rtop |
create or update variogram model |
updateRtopVariogram.rtopVariogramModel |
create or update variogram model |
useRtopWithIntamap |
Integrates the rtop package with the 'intamap' package |
varMat |
create a semivariogram matrix between a set of locations, or semivariogram matrices between and within two sets of locations |
varMat.list |
create a semivariogram matrix between a set of locations, or semivariogram matrices between and within two sets of locations |
varMat.matrix |
create a semivariogram matrix between a set of locations, or semivariogram matrices between and within two sets of locations |
varMat.rtop |
create a semivariogram matrix between a set of locations, or semivariogram matrices between and within two sets of locations |
varMat.SpatialPolygons |
create a semivariogram matrix between a set of locations, or semivariogram matrices between and within two sets of locations |
varMat.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame |
create a semivariogram matrix between a set of locations, or semivariogram matrices between and within two sets of locations |