add_span_quotes |
Add span quotes to a source-quote annotations |
Use AND search in tquery |
annotate |
Annotate a tokenlist based on rsyntax queries |
annotate_nodes |
Annotate a tokenlist based on rsyntaxNodes |
annotate_tqueries |
Annotate a tokenlist based on rsyntax queries |
apply_queries |
Apply queries created with tquery |
as_tokenindex |
Prepare a tokenIndex |
A special NOT condition if depth > 1 |
cast_text |
Cast annotations to text |
children |
Search for parents or children in tquery |
chop |
Chop of a branch of the tree |
climb_tree |
Have a node adopt its parent's position |
copy_fill |
Copy nodes |
copy_nodes |
Copy nodes |
custom_fill |
Specify custom fill behavior |
dutch |
Dutch lemma |
fill |
Specify custom fill behavior |
get_branch_id |
Add the branch id as a column to the tokenindex |
get_long_ids |
Get ids in various forms to extract token_ids |
get_nodes |
Transform the nodes to long format and match with token data |
isolate_branch |
Isolate a branch in a dependency tree |
mutate_nodes |
Mutate nodes |
nested_nodes |
Search for parents or children in tquery |
Use NOT search in tquery |
not_children |
Search for parents or children in tquery |
not_parents |
Search for parents or children in tquery |
OR |
Use OR search in tquery |
parents |
Search for parents or children in tquery |
plot_tree |
Create an igraph tree from a sentence |
print.tQuery |
S3 print for tQuery class |
quote_punctuation |
Quote punctuation |
remove_fill |
Remove fill |
remove_nodes |
Remove nodes |
reselect_nodes |
Within a chain of reshape operations, reapply the tquery |
rsyntax_threads |
Get the number of threads to be used by rsyntax functions |
selected_nodes |
If select_nodes() is used, the selected nodes can be extracted with selected_nodes(). This is mainly for internal use, but it can also be usefull for debugging, and to controll loops of reshape operation (e.g. break if no selected nodes left) |
select_nodes |
Apply tquery to initiate reshape operations |
set_rsyntax_threads |
Set number of threads to be used by rsyntax functions |
split_UD_conj |
Split conjunctions for dependency trees in Universal Dependencies |
subset_nodes |
Subset a select_nodes selection |
syntax_reader |
Create a full text browser with highlighted rsyntax annotations |
tokens_corenlp |
Example tokens for coreNLP English |
tokens_dutchclauses |
Example tokens for Dutch clauses |
tokens_dutchquotes |
Example tokens for Dutch quotes |
tokens_spacy |
Example tokens for spacy English |
tquery |
Create a query for dependency based parse trees in a data.table (CoNLL-U or similar format). |
unselect_nodes |
Undo select_nodes |