rsvg {rsvg}R Documentation

Render SVG into Bitmap


Render svg image into a high quality bitmap. When both width and height are NULL, the output resolution matches that of the input. When either width or height is specified, the image is scaled proportionally. When both width and height are specified, the image is stretched into the requested size.


rsvg(svg, width = NULL, height = NULL, css = NULL)

rsvg_raw(svg, width = NULL, height = NULL, css = NULL)

rsvg_nativeraster(svg, width = NULL, height = NULL, css = NULL)

rsvg_webp(svg, file = NULL, width = NULL, height = NULL, css = NULL)

rsvg_png(svg, file = NULL, width = NULL, height = NULL, css = NULL)

rsvg_pdf(svg, file = NULL, width = NULL, height = NULL, css = NULL)

rsvg_svg(svg, file = NULL, width = NULL, height = NULL, css = NULL)

rsvg_ps(svg, file = NULL, width = NULL, height = NULL, css = NULL)

rsvg_eps(svg, file = NULL, width = NULL, height = NULL, css = NULL)



path/url to svg file or raw vector with svg data. Use charToRaw to convert an SVG string into raw data.


output width in pixels or NULL for default.


output height in pixels or NULL for default


path/url to external css file or raw vector with css data. This requires your system has a recent version of librsvg.


path to output file or NULL to return content as raw vector


# create some svg
tmp <- tempfile()
svglite::svglite(tmp, width = 10, height = 7)
ggplot2::qplot(mpg, wt, data = mtcars, colour = factor(cyl))

# convert directly into a vector or bitmap graphics format
rsvg_pdf(tmp, "out.pdf")
rsvg_png(tmp, "out.png")
rsvg_svg(tmp, "out.svg")
rsvg_ps(tmp, "")
rsvg_eps(tmp, "out.eps")

# render into raw bitmap array
bitmap <- rsvg(tmp, height = 1440)
dim(bitmap) # h*w*c

# render to native raster object
nr <- rsvg_nativeraster(tmp)
# grid::grid.raster(nr)

# read in your package of choice
webp::write_webp(bitmap, "bitmap.webp", quality = 100)

# cleanup
unlink(c("out.*", "bitmap.webp"))

[Package rsvg version 2.6.0 Index]