Random Generation of Survival Data

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Documentation for package ‘rsurv’ version 0.0.1

Help Pages

rsurv-package The 'rsurv' package.
bell Implemented link functions for the promotion time cure rate model with Bell distribution.
bernoulli Implemented link functions for the mixture cure rate model
inv_pgf Inverse of the probability generating function
lp Linear predictors
negbin Implemented link functions for the promotion time cure rate model with negative binomial distribution.
poisson Implemented link functions for the promotion time cure rate model with Poisson distribution.
raftreg Random generation from accelerated failure time models
rahreg Random generation from accelerated hazard models
rehreg Random generation from extended hazard models
rfrailty Frailties random generation
rinterval Random generation of type I and type II interval censored survival data
rphreg Random generation from proportional hazards models
rporeg Random generation from proportional odds models
rsurv The 'rsurv' package.
rypreg Random generation from Yang and Prentice models