Tools for Developing R Packages Interfacing with 'Stan'

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Documentation for package ‘rstantools’ version 2.4.0

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rstantools-package Tools for Developing R Packages Interfacing with Stan
bayes_R2 Generic function and default method for Bayesian R-squared
bayes_R2.default Generic function and default method for Bayesian R-squared
log_lik Generic function for pointwise log-likelihood
loo-prediction Generic functions for LOO predictions
loo_linpred Generic functions for LOO predictions
loo_pit Generic functions for LOO predictions
loo_pit.default Generic functions for LOO predictions
loo_predict Generic functions for LOO predictions
loo_predictive_interval Generic functions for LOO predictions
loo_R2 Generic function and default method for Bayesian R-squared
posterior_epred Generic function for accessing the posterior distribution of the conditional expectation
posterior_interval Generic function and default method for posterior uncertainty intervals
posterior_interval.default Generic function and default method for posterior uncertainty intervals
posterior_linpred Generic function for accessing the posterior distribution of the linear predictor
posterior_predict Generic function for drawing from the posterior predictive distribution
predictive_error Generic function and default method for predictive errors
predictive_error.default Generic function and default method for predictive errors
predictive_interval Generic function for predictive intervals
predictive_interval.default Generic function for predictive intervals
prior_summary Generic function for extracting information about prior distributions
prior_summary.default Generic function for extracting information about prior distributions
rstantools Tools for Developing R Packages Interfacing with Stan
rstantools_load_code Helper function for loading code in roxygenise
rstan_config Configure system files for compiling Stan source code
rstan_create_package Create a new R package with compiled Stan programs
rstan_package_skeleton Create a new R package with compiled Stan programs
use_rstan Add Stan infrastructure to an existing package