Bayesian Deming Regression for Method Comparison

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Documentation for package ‘rstanbdp’ version 0.0.2

Help Pages

rstanbdp-package The 'rstanbdp' package.
bdpCalcResponse Plot the calculated Y response with CI from the full Bayesian posterior distribution
bdpExtract Extract relevant data from the Bayesian Deming regression
bdpPairs Pairs plot of the full posterior predictors
bdpPlot Plot Bayesian Deming regression and the confidence intervals from the full posterior distribution
bdpPlotBE Plot regression posterior pairs with CI Box and MD ellipses
bdpPlotResiduals Plot studentized residuals from the Bayesian Deming regression
bdpPrint Print summary of sampled data
bdpreg Bayesian Deming Pioda Regression for two method comparison with Rstan
bdpTraceplot Plot a traceplot of the sampled chains
bmpMD Mahalanobis distance for the posterior pairs
glycHem Method comparison of glycated hemoglobin measurement
rstanbdp The 'rstanbdp' package.