query_fb_marketing_api {rsocialwatcher}R Documentation

Query 'Facebook Marketing' API


Query 'Facebook Marketing' API


  lat_lon = NULL,
  radius = NULL,
  radius_unit = NULL,
  location_keys = NULL,
  location_types = c("home", "recent"),
  locales = NULL,
  interests = NULL,
  behaviors = NULL,
  college_years = NULL,
  education_majors = NULL,
  education_schools = NULL,
  education_statuses = NULL,
  family_statuses = NULL,
  income = NULL,
  industries = NULL,
  life_events = NULL,
  relationship_statuses = NULL,
  work_positions = NULL,
  work_employers = NULL,
  excl_interests = NULL,
  excl_behaviors = NULL,
  excl_college_years = NULL,
  excl_education_majors = NULL,
  excl_education_schools = NULL,
  excl_education_statuses = NULL,
  excl_family_statuses = NULL,
  excl_income = NULL,
  excl_industries = NULL,
  excl_life_events = NULL,
  excl_relationship_statuses = NULL,
  excl_work_positions = NULL,
  excl_work_employers = NULL,
  user_os = NULL,
  wireless_carrier = NULL,
  gender = c(1, 2),
  age_min = 18,
  age_max = 65,
  flex_target = NULL,
  sleep_time = 0.1,
  show_result = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,
  add_query = FALSE,
  add_query_hide_credentials = TRUE



Either "coordinates" (for buffer around single point) or type of geographic location, including: "countries", "regions", "cities", "zips", "places", "geo_markets", "electoral_district", or "country_groups". See the Basic Targetting documentation for more information.


If location_unit_type is "coordinates"


Coordinates, c(lat, lon). For example, c(38.90, -77.01)


Radius around coordinate


Unit for radius; either "kilometer" or "mile"


If location_unit_type is not "coordinates"


Key associated with location. Use the get_fb_parameter_ids function to get location keys; see here for examples.


Other location parameters


Either: (1) "home" (people whose stated location in Facebook profile "current city" is in an area, valided by IP), (2) "recent" (people whose recent location is in the selected area, determined by mobile device data), (3) "travel_in" (people whose most recent location is in selected area and more than 100 miles from stated current city), (4) c("home", "recent") (for people in either category)


Locales ID. For more information on locales, see the Advanced Targeting Documentation



  • Within parameters, vectors (c()) specify OR conditions and lists (list()) specify AND conditions. For example, interests = c(6003349442621, 6003139266461) will target users who are interested in either entertainment OR movies, while interests = list(6003349442621, 6003139266461) will target users who are interested in either entertainment AND movies.

  • Across parameters, AND conditions are used. For example, if enter interests = 6003349442621 and behaviors = 6008297697383 are specified, the function will query Facebook users interested in entertainment AND are frequent travelers.

  • Or conditions across parameters can be specified using the flex_target argument; see package documentation for examples.


Interest IDs. For example, interests = c(6003349442621, 6003139266461) will target users who are interested in either entertainment or movies. Use get_fb_parameter_ids(type = "interests", ...) to get dataframe with IDs and descriptions. For more information, see the Basic Targeting Documentation.


Behavior IDs. For example, behaviors = c(6002714895372, 6008297697383) will target users who are either frequent travelers or returned from travels 2 weeks ago. Use get_fb_parameter_ids(type = "behaviors", ...) to get dataframe with IDs and descriptions. For more information, see the Basic Targeting Documentation.


College graduation years. For example, college_years = c(2014, 2015) will target users who graduated college in 2014 or 2015. For more information, see the Advanced Targeting Documentation.


Education major IDs. For example, education_majors = 123 will target users who majored in computer science. Use get_fb_parameter_ids(type = "education_majors", q = "Computer", ...) to get dataframe with IDs and descriptions. For more information, see the Advanced Targeting Documentation.


School IDs. For example, education_schools = 105930651606 will taget users at/who graduated from Harvard University. Use get_fb_parameter_ids(type = "education_schools", q = "Harvard", ...) to get dataframe with IDs and descriptions. For more information, see the Advanced Targeting Documentation.


Education status IDs. For example, education_statuses = c(9,10) will yeild those who report to have either a Master degree or professional degree. Use get_fb_parameter_ids(type = "education_statuses", ...) to get dataframe with IDs and descriptions. For more information, see the Advanced Targeting Documentation.


Family status IDs. For example, family_statuses = c(6023080302983, 6023005681983) targets users who are parents with preteens or parents with teenagers. Use get_fb_parameter_ids(type = "family_statuses") to get dataframe with IDs and descriptions. For more information, see the Advanced Targeting Documentation.


Income IDs. For example, income = c(6107813553183, 6107813554583) targets users with a household income in the top 10%-25% or 25%-50% of ZIP codes (US). Use get_fb_parameter_ids(type = "income") to get dataframe with IDs and descriptions. For more information, see the Advanced Targeting Documentation.


Industries IDs. For example, industries = c(6008888980183, 6008888972183) targets users who work in sales or legal services. Use get_fb_parameter_ids(type = "industries") to get dataframe with IDs and descriptions. For more information, see the Advanced Targeting Documentation.


Life event IDs. For example, life_events = c(6005149512172, 6005149512172) targets users who recently moved or are in a new job. Use get_fb_parameter_ids(type = "life_events") to get dataframe with IDs and descriptions. For more information, see the Advanced Targeting Documentation.


Relationship status IDs. For example, relationship_statuses = c(3,4) targets those who are married or engaged. Use get_fb_parameter_ids(type = "relationship_statuses") to get dataframe with IDs and descriptions. For more information, see the Advanced Targeting Documentation.


Work position IDs. For example, work_positions = 105763692790962 will target users who indicate they are contractors. Use get_fb_parameter_ids(type = "work_positions", ...) to get dataframe with IDs and descriptions. For more information, see the Advanced Targeting Documentation.


Work employer IDs. For example, work_employers = 50431654 will target users who work for Microsoft. Use get_fb_parameter_ids(type = "work_employers", ...) to get dataframe with IDs and descriptions. For more information, see the Advanced Targeting Documentation.


Exlcude Facebook users from query by select parameters


Interest IDs to exclude.


Behavior IDs to exclude.


Colleage year IDs to exclude.


Education major IDs to exclude.


Education school IDs to exclude.


Education status IDs to exclude.


Family status IDs to exclude.


Income IDs to exclude.


Industry IDs to exclude.


Life event IDs to exclude.


Relationship status IDs to exclude.


Work position IDs to exclude.


Work employer IDs to exclude.


Non-Flexible parameters:

  • Across parameters, AND conditions are used. For example, if gender = 1 and age_min = 30, queries users that are male AND are over 30 years old.

  • These parameters cannot be specified in flex_targeting

  • Within parameters, vectors (c()) specify OR conditions. AND conditions cannot be specified within these parameters.


User operating systems. For example, ⁠user_os = ('iOS', 'Android')⁠ targets those that use either an iOS or Android OS; user_os = c("Android_ver_4.2_and_above") targets those using Android version 4.2 and above; and user_os = c("iOS_ver_8.0_to_9.0") targets those using iOS version 8.0 to 9.0. Different versions can be specified. For more information, see the Advanced Targeting Documentation.


Wireless carrier. If set to Wifi, then targets those connecting via a Wifi network. For more information, see the Advanced Targeting Documentation.


Genders to target; 1 targets males and 2 targets females. Default is both. See gender in the Basic Targeting Documentation.


Minimum age. Default is 18. See age_min in the Basic Targeting Documentation.


Maximum age. Default is 65. See age_max in the Basic Targeting Documentation.


Flex targeting parameters


Flexible targeting allows for more complicated parameter specifications. For example, specifying OR conditions across parameter types (eg, behaviors, interests, etc). For information on how to use flexible targeting, see the documentation here.


Parameters for credentials


API version. e.g., "v19.0"


Facebook creation act


Facebook API token


Scraping parameters


How much time (in seconds) to pause between each query (default: 0.1).


After each query, whether to print the number of monthly active users (default: FALSE).


Display messages that indicate the function is pausing before making additional queries. Pausing can result from API key rate limits or no internet (default: TRUE).


Return query text


If TRUE, add query text as variable in returned dataframe


If TRUE (and add_query is TRUE), hide the creation_act and token from the query text returned in the dataframe


Dataframe that includes (1) daily and monthly active users and (2) parameter values

See Also

get_fb_parameter_ids() To get IDs and descriptions for behaviors, demographics, interests, and locales. For additional details on how to use the package, see the documentation here.


## Not run: 
#### Define version, creation act, and token
VERSION = "enter-version"
CREATION_ACT = "creation_act"
TOKEN = "enter-token"

#### Query data
## All Facebook users in US
location_unit_type = "countries",
location_keys      = "US",
version            = VERSION, 
creation_act       = CREATION_ACT, 
token              = TOKEN)

## All Facebook users in US with interest in concernts
concert_id <- get_fb_parameter_ids(type = "interests", version = VERSION, token = TOKEN) %>% 
  filter(name == "Concerts (music event)") %>%

  location_unit_type = "countries",
  location_keys      = "US",
  interests          = concert_id,
  version            = VERSION, 
  creation_act       = CREATION_ACT, 
  token              = TOKEN)

## End(Not run)

[Package rsocialwatcher version 0.1.1 Index]