rs_matrix {rsmatrix}R Documentation

Shiller's repeat-sales matrices


Create a function to compute the Z, X, y, and Y matrices in Shiller (1991, sections I-II) from sales-pair data in order to calculate a repeat-sales price index.


rs_matrix(t2, t1, p2, p1, f = NULL, sparse = FALSE)


t2, t1

A pair of vectors giving the time period of the second and first sale, respectively. Usually a vector of dates, but other values are possible if they can be coerced to character vectors and sorted in chronological order (i.e., with order()).

p2, p1

A pair of numeric vectors giving the price of the second and first sale, respectively.


An optional factor the same length as t1 and t2, or a vector to be turned into a factor, that is used to group sales.


Should sparse matrices from the Matrix package be used (faster for large datasets), or regular dense matrices (the default)?


The function returned by rs_matrix() computes a generalization of the matrices in Shiller (1991, sections I-II) that are applicable to grouped data. These are useful for calculating separate indexes for many, say, cities without needing an explicit loop.

The Z, X, and Y matrices are not well defined if either t1 or t2 have missing values, and an error is thrown in this case. Similarly, it should always be the case that t2 > t1, otherwise a warning is given.


A function that takes a single argument naming the desired matrix. It returns one of two matrices (Z and X) or two vectors (y and Y), either regular matrices if sparse = FALSE, or sparse matrices of class dgCMatrix if sparse = TRUE.


Bailey, M. J., Muth, R. F., and Nourse, H. O. (1963). A regression method for real estate price index construction. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 53(304):933-942.

Shiller, R. J. (1991). Arithmetic repeat sales price estimators. Journal of Housing Economics, 1(1):110-126.

See Also

rs_pairs() for turning sales data into sales pairs.


# Make some data
x <- data.frame(
  date = c(3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3),
  date_prev = c(1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1),
  price = 6:1,
  price_prev = 1

# Calculate matrices
mat <- with(x, rs_matrix(date, date_prev, price, price_prev))
Z <- mat("Z") # Z matrix
X <- mat("X") # X matrix
y <- mat("y") # y vector
Y <- mat("Y") # Y vector

# Calculate the GRS index in Bailey, Muth, and Nourse (1963)
b <- solve(crossprod(Z), crossprod(Z, y))[, 1]
# or b <- qr.coef(qr(Z), y)
(grs <- exp(b) * 100)

# Standard errors
vcov <- rs_var(y - Z %*% b, Z)
sqrt(diag(vcov)) * grs # delta method

# Calculate the ARS index in Shiller (1991)
b <- solve(crossprod(Z, X), crossprod(Z, Y))[, 1]
# or b <- qr.coef(qr(crossprod(Z, X)), crossprod(Z, Y))
(ars <- 100 / b)

# Standard errors
vcov <- rs_var(Y - X %*% b, Z, X)
sqrt(diag(vcov)) * ars^2 / 100 # delta method

# Works with grouped data
x <- data.frame(
  date = c(3, 2, 3, 2),
  date_prev = c(2, 1, 2, 1),
  price = 4:1,
  price_prev = 1,
  group = c("a", "a", "b", "b")

mat <- with(x, rs_matrix(date, date_prev, price, price_prev, group))
b <- solve(crossprod(mat("Z"), mat("X")), crossprod(mat("Z"), mat("Y")))[, 1]
100 / b

[Package rsmatrix version 0.2.8 Index]