GenerateReport {rsides}R Documentation

Generate a Word-based summary of subgroup search results


This function creates a detailed summary of subgroup search results in a Microsoft Word format.


GenerateReport(results, report_title, report_filename)



Object of class SubgroupSearchResults created by the SubgroupSearch function.


Character value defining the report's title.


Character value defining the report's filename. The report is saved in the current working directory.


No return value, called for side effects

See Also



    # Example of a subgroup search in a trial with a binary endpoint
    # This example used an example data set (binary) that comes with the package
    # Primary endpoint parameters

    endpoint_parameters = list(outcome_variable = "outcome", 
                              type = "binary",    
                              label = "Outcome",
                              analysis_method = "Z-test for proportions", 
                              direction = 1)


    # Data set parameters

    # Set of candidate biomarkers
    biomarker_names = c("biomarker1", "biomarker2", 
                        "biomarker3", "biomarker4", 

    # Biomarker type 
    biomarker_types = c(rep("numeric", 4), "nominal")

    # Data set parameters
    data_set_parameters = list(data_set = binary,
                              treatment_variable_name = "treatment",
                              treatment_variable_control_value = "0",
                              biomarker_names = biomarker_names,
                              biomarker_types = biomarker_types)


    # Algorithm parameters for the basic SIDES procedure

    # Algorithm
    subgroup_search_algorithm = "SIDES procedure"

    # Number of permutations to compute multiplicity-adjusted treatment 
    # effect p-values within promising subgroups
    n_perms_mult_adjust = 10

    # Number of processor cores (use less or equal number of CPU cores on the current host)
    ncores = 1

    # Default values for the search depth (2), search width (2), 
    # maximum number of unique values for continuous biomarkers (20)

    # Algorithm parameters
    algorithm_parameters = list(
      n_perms_mult_adjust = n_perms_mult_adjust,
      min_subgroup_size = 60,
      subgroup_search_algorithm = subgroup_search_algorithm,
      ncores = ncores,
      random_seed = 3011)

    # Perform subgroup search

    # List of all parameters
    parameters = list(endpoint_parameters = endpoint_parameters,
                      data_set_parameters = data_set_parameters,
                      algorithm_parameters = algorithm_parameters)

    # Perform subgroup search
    results = SubgroupSearch(parameters)

    # Simple summary of subgroup search results

    # Generate a detailed Word-based report with a summary of subgroup search results
      report_title = "Subgroup search report", 
      report_filename = tempfile(
        "Subgroup search report.docx", 

[Package rsides version 0.1 Index]