An Interface to Rust's 'geo' Library

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Documentation for package ‘rsgeo’ version 0.1.6

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as_rsgeo Convert to an 'rsgeo' vector
bearing_geodesic Calculate Bearing
bearing_haversine Calculate Bearing
bounding_box Compute Geometric Boundaries
bounding_boxes Compute Geometric Boundaries
bounding_rect Compute Geometric Boundaries
cast_geoms Cast geometries to another type
centroids Extract Centroids
closest_point Find Closest Point
closest_point_haversine Find Closest Point
combine_geoms Combine geometries
concave_hull Compute Geometric Boundaries
contains_pairwise Binary Predicates
contains_sparse Binary Predicates
convex_hull Compute Geometric Boundaries
coords Extract Coordinates
distance_euclidean_matrix Calculate Distances
distance_euclidean_pairwise Calculate Distances
distance_geodesic_matrix Calculate Distances
distance_geodesic_pairwise Calculate Distances
distance_hausdorff_matrix Calculate Distances
distance_hausdorff_pairwise Calculate Distances
distance_haversine_matrix Calculate Distances
distance_haversine_pairwise Calculate Distances
distance_vicenty_matrix Calculate Distances
distance_vicenty_pairwise Calculate Distances
expand_geoms Expand Geometries
extreme_coords Compute Geometric Boundaries
flatten_geoms Flatten a list of rsgeo vectors
frechet_distance Calculate Frechet Distance
geom_linestring Construct Geometries
geom_multipoint Construct Geometries
geom_point Construct Geometries
geom_polygon Construct Geometries
haversine_destination Identify a destination point
haversine_intermediate Identifies a point between two points
intersects_pairwise Binary Predicates
intersects_sparse Binary Predicates
is_ccw_convex Determine the Convexity of a LineString
is_convex Determine the Convexity of a LineString
is_cw_convex Determine the Convexity of a LineString
is_strictly_ccw_convex Determine the Convexity of a LineString
is_strictly_convex Determine the Convexity of a LineString
is_strictly_cw_convex Determine the Convexity of a LineString
length_euclidean Calculate LineString Length
length_geodesic Calculate LineString Length
length_haversine Calculate LineString Length
length_vincenty Calculate LineString Length
line_interpolate_point Interpolate a Point on a LineString
line_segmentize Segments a LineString into 'n' equal length LineStrings
locate_point_on_line Locate a Point on a LineString
minimum_rotated_rect Compute Geometric Boundaries
plot.rsgeo Plot Geometries
signed_area Calculate the area of a polygon
signed_area_cd Calculate the area of a polygon
signed_area_geodesic Calculate the area of a polygon
simplify_geoms Simplify Geometry
simplify_vw_geoms Simplify Geometry
simplify_vw_preserve_geoms Simplify Geometry
union_geoms Combine geometries
unsigned_area Calculate the area of a polygon
unsigned_area_cd Calculate the area of a polygon
unsigned_area_geodesic Calculate the area of a polygon
within_pairwise Binary Predicates
within_sparse Binary Predicates