add_2flextables |
Add two flextables into a document object |
add_2ggplots |
Add two ggplots into a document object |
add_2plots |
Add two plots into a document object |
add_anyplot |
Add a ggplot or a plot to the Microsoft Office Document |
add_flextable |
Add a flextable or mytable object into a document object |
add_ggplot |
Add ggplot into a document object |
add_image |
Add plot into a document object |
add_plot |
Add plot into a document object |
add_Rcode |
Make a R code slide into a document object |
add_self |
add self data to document |
add_text |
Add text to document |
add_text2hyperlink |
Add hyperlink text |
add_title |
Add title to docx file |
add_title_slide |
Add title slide |
as.mynumeric |
coerce an object of type "numeric" |
chooser |
Server function of chooser Module |
chooser2 |
Server function of chooser2 Module |
chooser2UI |
UI of chooser2 Module Add 'all select' and 'reset' button to chooser module |
chooserInput |
Chooser Input |
chooserUI |
UI of chooser Module |
code2docx |
Save plot/ggplot code to Microsoft Powerpoint format |
code2office |
Save plot/ggplot code to Microsoft Powerpoint format |
code2pptx |
Save plot/ggplot code to Microsoft Powerpoint format |
data2docx |
convert data to docx file |
data2docx2 |
Make a word file with a data.frame |
data2HTML |
Make a HTML5 file with a data.frame |
data2office |
convert data to pptx file |
data2pdf |
Make a pdf file with a data.frame |
data2plotzip |
Make zipped plot file with a data.frame |
data2pptx |
convert data to pptx file |
data2pptx2 |
Make a Powerpoint file with a data.frame |
df2flextable |
Convert data.frame to flextable |
df2flextable2 |
Make flextable with limited width |
df2RcodeTable |
Make a flextable with a data.frame |
exportCSV |
Export pptxList file to desired format |
file2docx |
read data file and make a docx file |
file2docx2 |
read data file and make a docx file with Rmd file |
file2HTML |
read data file and make a HTML file |
file2pdf |
read data file and make a pdf file |
file2plotzip |
read data file and make a zip file with plots |
file2pptx |
read data file and make a pptx file |
file2pptx2 |
read data file and make a pptx file with Rmd file |
flextable2ztable |
Convert flextable to ztable |
html2latex |
Convert html5 code to latex |
HTMLcode2latex |
Convert HTML table to latex table |
image2docx |
Save plot/ggplot to Microsoft Word format |
image2office |
Save plot/ggplot as image to Microsoft Powerpoint format |
image2pptx |
Save plot/ggplot to Microsoft Powerpoint format |
insert_argument |
replace argument of a function |
is_ggplot |
Reports whether plotstring encode a ggplot object |
is_ggsurvplot |
Reports whether plotstring encode a ggsurvplot object |
mycat |
Concatenate to file |
myFlextable |
Make flextable with a data.frame |
mygrep |
grep string in all files in subdirectory |
myplot2 |
Make zipped plots with a data.frame |
mytable2flextable |
Convert mytable object to flextable |
open_doc |
Make/open office document with file name |
p2character |
Change p value to string |
pickerInput3 |
Side by side pickerInput |
plot2docx |
Save plot/ggplot to Microsoft Word format |
plot2office |
Save plot/ggplot to Microsoft Powerpoint format |
plot2pptx |
Save plot/ggplot to Microsoft Powerpoint format |
plotPNG2 |
Make png file with a plot code |
pptxList |
Server function of pptxList shiny module |
pptxListInput |
UI of pptxList shiny module |
Rcode2df |
Make a data.frame with character strings encoding R code |
Rcode2df2 |
Make a data.frame with character strings encoding R code |
Rcode2docx |
Save R code to Microsoft Word format |
Rcode2flextable |
Make a flextable object with character strings encoding R code |
Rcode2office |
Make R code slide |
Rcode2pptx |
Save R code to Microsoft Powerpoint format |
readComment |
Read comment from a file |
readCSVComment |
Read a csv file with comment |
replace_argument |
replace argument of a function |
roundDf |
Convert numeric columns of data.frame to character |
sampleData2 |
Sample data for pptxList A dataset containing five objects for reproducible research |
sampleData3 |
Sample data for pptxList A dataset containing five objects for reproducible research |
set_argument |
set argument of a function |
table2docx |
Export data.frame or statistical output to Microsoft Word format |
table2office |
Export data.frame or statistical output to a table in Microsoft Office |
table2pptx |
Export data.frame or statistical output to Microsoft Powerpoint format |
tensiSplit |
Split strings with desired length with exdent |
unsink |
Remove File and sink() |
writeCSVComment |
Write a csv file with comment |
ztable2 |
Make ztable with desired width |
ztable2flextable |
Convert ztable to flextable |