bush10 {rrcovNA} | R Documentation |
Campbell Bushfire Data with added missing data items (10 percent)
This data set is based on the bushfire data set which was used by
Campbell (1984) to locate bushfire scars - see bushfire
in package robustbase
. The original dataset contains satelite
measurements on five frequency bands, corresponding to each of 38 pixels.
The data set is very well studied (Maronna and Yohai, 1995; Maronna
and Zamar, 2002). There are 12 clear outliers: 33-38, 32, 7-11 and 12 and 13 are
A data frame with 38 observations on 6 variables.
The original data set consists of 38 observations in 5 variables. Based on it four new data sets are created in which some of the data items are replaced by missing values with a simple "missing completely at random " mechanism. For this purpose independent Bernoulli trials are realized for each data item with a probability of success 0.1 where success means that the corresponding item is set to missing.)
Maronna, R.A. and Yohai, V.J. (1995) The Behavoiur of the Stahel-Donoho Robust Multivariate Estimator. Journal of the American Statistical Association 90, 330–341.
Beguin, C. and Hulliger, B. (2004) Multivariate outlier detection in incomplete survey data: the epidemic algorithm and transformed rank correlations. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology) 127, 2, 275–294.
## The following code will result in exactly the same output
## as the one obtained from the original data set
## Not run:
## This is the code with which the missing data were created:
## Creates a data set with missing values (for testing purposes)
## from a complete data set 'x'. The probability of
## each item being missing is 'pr'.
getmiss <- function(x, pr=0.1){
n <- nrow(x)
p <- ncol(x)
bt <- rbern(n*p, pr)
btmat <- matrix(bt, nrow=n)
btmiss <- ifelse(btmat==1, NA, 0)
## End(Not run)