R2 {rr2} | R Documentation |
Calculate R2_lik, R2_resid, and R2_pred
This is a wrapper for calculating three R2s – R2_lik, R2_resid, and R2_pred – for LMMs and GLMMs, and phylogenetic LMMs (PLMMs) and GLMMs (PGLMMs). Note that the individual functions R2_lik()
, R2_resid()
, and R2_pred()
can be called separately. This is preferrable if you are only interested in one R2; for example, for phylolm()
called from ‘R2' you need to specify ’phy' (phylo object for the phylogeny), while R2_lik()
does not require this.
mod = NULL,
mod.r = NULL,
phy = NULL,
sigma2_d = c("s2w", "NS", "rNS"),
lik = TRUE,
resid = TRUE,
pred = TRUE,
mod |
A regression model with one of the following classes: 'lm', 'glm', lmerMod', glmerMod', 'phylolm', 'gls', 'pglmm', 'pglmm_compare', binaryPGLMM', or 'communityPGLMM'. |
mod.r |
A reduced model; if not provided, the total R2 will be given by setting 'mod.r' to the model corresponding to 'mod' with the intercept as the only predictor. |
phy |
The phylogeny for phylogenetic models (as a 'phylo' object), which is not required to be specified for |
sigma2_d |
Distribution-specific variance |
lik |
Whether to calculate R2_lik; default is TRUE. |
resid |
Whether to calculate R2_resid; default is TRUE. |
pred |
Whether to calculate R2_pred; default is TRUE. |
... |
Additional arguments for 'R2_pred()'. 'gaussian.pred = "tip_rm"' or 'gaussian.pred = "nearest_node"'. |
Details about the methods are provided under the separate functions for R2_lik()
, R2_resid()
, and R2_pred()
. There are also many worked examples.
A vector, with all three R2s by default.
Daijiang Li and Anthony R. Ives
Ives A.R. and Li D. 2018. rr2: An R package to calculate R2s for regression models. Journal of Open Source Software. DOI:10.21105/joss.01028
Ives A.R. 2018. R2s for Correlated Data: Phylogenetic Models, LMMs, and GLMMs. Systematic Biology, Volume 68, Issue 2, March 2019, Pages 234-251. DOI:10.1093/sysbio/syy060
See Also
MuMIn, lme4, ape, phylolm, phyr, pez
p1 <- 10
nsample <- 10
n <- p1 * nsample
d <- data.frame(x1 = 0, x2 = 0, u1 = rep(1:p1, each = nsample),
u2 = rep(1:p1, times = nsample))
d$u1 <- as.factor(d$u1)
d$u2 <- as.factor(d$u2)
b1 <- 1
b2 <- -1
sd1 <- 1.5
d$x1 <- rnorm(n = n)
d$x2 <- rnorm(n = n)
d$y.lmm <- b1 * d$x1 + b2 * d$x2 +
rep(rnorm(n = p1, sd = sd1), each = nsample) +
rep(rnorm(n = p1, sd = sd1), times = nsample) +
rnorm(n = n)
prob <- inv.logit(b1 * d$x1 + rep(rnorm(n = p1, sd = sd1), each = nsample))
d$y.glmm <- rbinom(n = n, size = 1, prob = prob)
# LMM with two fixed and two random effects ----
z.f <- lmer(y.lmm ~ x1 + x2 + (1 | u1) + (1 | u2), data = d, REML = FALSE)
z.x <- lmer(y.lmm ~ x1 + (1 | u1) + (1 | u2), data = d, REML = FALSE)
z.v <- lmer(y.lmm ~ 1 + (1 | u2), data = d, REML = FALSE)
z.0 <- lm(y.lmm ~ 1, data = d)
R2(z.f, z.x)
R2(z.f, z.v)
# GLMM with one fixed and one random effect ----
z.f <- glmer(y.glmm ~ x1 + (1 | u1), data = d, family = 'binomial')
z.x <- glmer(y.glmm ~ 1 + (1 | u1), data = d, family = 'binomial')
z.v <- glm(y.glmm ~ x1, data = d, family = 'binomial')
R2(z.f, z.x)
R2(z.f, z.v)
# These give different results for R2_resid.
R2(z.f, sigma2_d = 's2w')
R2(z.f, sigma2_d = 'NS')
R2(z.f, sigma2_d = 'rNS')
# GLS {nlme} with one fixed effect and autocorrelated errors among 6 groups ----
nT <- 10
nseries <- 6
n <- nT * nseries
d <- data.frame(x = 0, y = 0, u = rep(1:nseries, each = nT), e = rnorm(1))
d$u <- as.factor(d$u)
d$x <- rnorm(n = n)
ar1 <- .5
for(t in 2:n) d$e[t] <- ar1*d$e[t-1] + rnorm(1)
b1 <- 1
d$y <- b1 * d$x + d$e
z.f <- gls(y ~ x + u, correlation = corAR1(form = ~1 | u), data = d)
z.x <- gls(y ~ 1, correlation = corAR1(form = ~1 | u), data = d)
z.ar <- lm(y ~ x + u, data = d)
R2(z.f, z.x)
R2(z.f, z.ar)
# PGLS with a single fixed effect ----
n <- 100
d <- data.frame(x = rep(0, n), y = 0)
b1 <- 1.5
signal <- 0.7
phy <- compute.brlen(rtree(n = n), method = 'Grafen', power = 1)
phy.x <- compute.brlen(phy, method = 'Grafen', power = .0001)
# Generate random data
x <- rTraitCont(phy.x, model = 'BM', sigma = 1)
e <- signal ^ 0.5 * rTraitCont(phy, model = 'BM', sigma = 1) +
(1 - signal) ^ 0.5 * rnorm(n = n)
d$x <- x[match(names(e), names(x))]
d$y <- b1 * x + e
rownames(d) <- phy$tip.label
d$sp <- phy$tip.label
# Fit with phylolm() in {phylolm}
z.f <- phylolm(y ~ x, phy = phy, data = d, model = 'lambda')
z.x <- phylolm(y ~ 1, phy = phy, data = d, model = 'lambda')
z.v <- lm(y ~ x, data = d)
R2(z.f, z.x, phy = phy)
R2(z.f, z.v, phy = phy)
R2(z.f, phy = phy)
# These data can also be fit with pglmm_compare in {phyr}
# Note that pglmm_compare will be renamed to pglmm_compare in the next version
z.f <- pglmm_compare(y ~ x, data = d, phy = phy, REML=FALSE)
z.x <- pglmm_compare(y ~ 1, data = d, phy = phy, REML=FALSE)
z.v <- glm(y ~ x, data = d)
R2(z.f, z.x)
R2(z.f, z.v)
# This also works for models fit with gls() in {nlme}
z.f <- gls(y ~ x, data = d, correlation = corPagel(1, phy, form = ~sp), method = "ML")
z.x <- gls(y ~ 1, data = d, correlation = corPagel(1, phy, form = ~sp), method = "ML")
z.v <- lm(y ~ x, data = d)
R2(z.f, z.x)
R2(z.f, z.v)
# But note that you need to define weights for gls() with non-ultrametric trees;
# if not, you will get a error from R2_resid, "Matrix is not block-diagonal"
phy.nu <- rtree(n = n)
# Generate random data
e <- signal ^ 0.5 * rTraitCont(phy.nu, model = 'BM', sigma = 1) +
(1 - signal) ^ 0.5 * rnorm(n = n)
d$x <- x[match(names(e), names(x))]
d$y <- b1 * x + e
rownames(d) <- phy.nu$tip.label
d$sp <- phy.nu$tip.label
weights <- diag(vcv.phylo(phy.nu))
z.f <- gls(y ~ x, data = d,
correlation = corPagel(1, phy.nu, form = ~sp),
weights = varFixed(~weights), method = "ML")
z.x <- gls(y ~ 1, data = d,
correlation = corPagel(1, phy.nu, form = ~sp),
weights = varFixed(~weights), method = "ML")
z.v <- lm(y ~ x, weights = 1/weights, data = d)
R2(z.f, z.x)
R2(z.f, z.v)
# PGLMM with one fixed effect ----
n <- 100
b1 <- 1.5
signal <- 2
phy <- compute.brlen(rtree(n = n), method = 'Grafen', power = 1)
phy.x <- compute.brlen(phy, method = 'Grafen', power = .0001)
# Generate random data
x <- rnorm(n)
d <- data.frame(x = x, y = 0)
e <- signal * rTraitCont(phy, model = 'BM', sigma = 1)
e <- e[match(phy$tip.label, names(e))]
d$y <- rbinom(n = n, size = 1, prob = inv.logit(b1 * d$x + e))
rownames(d) <- phy$tip.label
# Use the function phyloglm() from the phylolm package.
z.f <- phyloglm(y ~ x, data = d, start.alpha = 1, phy = phy)
z.x <- phyloglm(y ~ 1, data = d, phy = phy, start.alpha = min(20, z.f$alpha))
z.v <- glm(y ~ x, data = d, family = 'binomial')
R2(z.f, z.x)
R2(z.f, z.v)
# Use the function pglmm_compare() from the phyr package. Note that this is a
# different model from phyloglm()
z.f <- pglmm_compare(y ~ x, data = d, family = 'binomial', phy = phy, REML = FALSE)
z.x <- pglmm_compare(y ~ 1, data = d, family = 'binomial', phy = phy, REML = FALSE)
z.v <- glm(y ~ x, data = d, family = 'binomial')
R2(z.f, z.x)
R2(z.f, z.v)
# A community example of pglmm {phyr} ----
nspp <- 6
nsite <- 4
# Simulate a phylogeny that has a lot of phylogenetic signal (power = 1.3)
phy <- compute.brlen(rtree(n = nspp), method = "Grafen", power = 1.3)
# Simulate species means
sd.sp <- 1
mean.sp <- rTraitCont(phy, model = "BM", sigma=sd.sp ^ 2)
# Replicate values of mean.sp over sites
Y.sp <- rep(mean.sp, times = nsite)
# Simulate site means
sd.site <- 1
mean.site <- rnorm(nsite, sd = sd.site)
# Replicate values of mean.site over sp
Y.site <- rep(mean.site, each = nspp)
# Compute a covariance matrix for phylogenetic attraction
sd.attract <- 1
Vphy <- vcv(phy)
# Standardize the phylogenetic covariance matrix to have determinant = 1.
# (For an explanation of this standardization, see subsection 4.3.1 in Ives (2018))
Vphy <- Vphy/(det(Vphy)^(1/nspp))
# Construct the overall covariance matrix for phylogenetic attraction.
# (For an explanation of Kronecker products, see subsection 4.3.1 in the book)
V <- kronecker(diag(nrow = nsite, ncol = nsite), Vphy)
Y.attract <- array(t(rmvnorm(n = 1, sigma = sd.attract^2*V)))
# Simulate residual errors
sd.e <- 1
Y.e <- rnorm(nspp * nsite, sd = sd.e)
# Construct the dataset
d <- data.frame(sp = rep(phy$tip.label, times = nsite), site = rep(1:nsite, each = nspp))
# Simulate abundance data
d$Y <- Y.sp + Y.site + Y.attract + Y.e
# Full and reduced models
z.f <- pglmm(Y ~ 1 + (1|sp__) + (1|site) + (1|sp__@site),
data = d, cov_ranef = list(sp = phy), REML = FALSE)
z.nested <- pglmm(Y ~ 1 + (1|sp__) + (1|site),
data = d, cov_ranef = list(sp = phy), REML = FALSE)
z.sp <- pglmm(Y ~ 1 + (1|sp) + (1|site),
data = d, cov_ranef = list(sp = phy), REML = FALSE)
R2(z.f, z.nested)
R2(z.nested, z.sp)