Functions for Working with 'Eprime' Text Files

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Documentation for package ‘rprime’ version 0.1.2

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as.EprimeFrame Convert a list into an EprimeFrame object
as.FrameList Convert a list of EprimeFrames into a FrameList object
drop_levels Filter levels in or out of a FrameList based on Eprime.Level values
EprimeFrame Create an EprimeFrame object
extract_chunks Extract log-frames from an Eprime log file
filter_in Filter levels in or out of a FrameList based on attribute values
filter_out Filter levels in or out of a FrameList based on attribute values
FrameList Convert lines from an Eprime file into EprimeFrame objects
keep_levels Filter levels in or out of a FrameList based on Eprime.Level values
listify Convert a vector of colon-separated text lines into a list of named elements
preview_eprime Preview the levels in a parsed Eprime file
preview_frames Preview the levels in a parsed Eprime file
preview_levels Preview the levels in a parsed Eprime file
read_eprime Read in a text file generated by Eprime
to_data_frame Convert Eprime Frames into data-frames