gendat.glmm {rpql} | R Documentation |
Simulates datasets based on a Generalized Linear Mixed Model (GLMM).
Datasets are simulated from a GLMM given a series of inputs including: model matrices X
and Z
for the fixed and random effects respectively, a set of true fixed effect coefficients beta
, a list of true random effect covariance matrices D
, the family of response, and some other nusiance parameters if appropriate.
gendat.glmm(id, X, beta, Z, D, trial.size = 1, family = gaussian(),
phi = NULL, shape = NULL, zeroprob = NULL, upper.count = Inf)
id |
A list with each element being a vector of IDs that reference the model matrix in the corresponding element in the list |
X |
A model matrix of corresponding to the fixed effects. A column of ones should be included if a fixed intercept is to be included in the model. |
beta |
A vector of true fixed effect parameters, with the same length as the number of columns in |
Z |
A list with each element being a model matrix for a set of random effects. Each element of |
D |
A list with each element being a symmetric random effects covariance matrix which is used to generate random effects. These random effects are then applied to the corresponding element in the list |
trial.size |
The trial size if |
family |
The distribution for the responses in GLMM. The argument must be applied as a object of class "family". Currently supported arguments include: |
phi |
A non-zero value for the true variance parameter |
shape |
A non-zero value for the shape parameter |
zeroprob |
A value between 0 and 1 for the probability of a structural zero if |
upper.count |
A non-zero integer which allows the user to control the maximum value of the counts generates for datasets when |
The relationship between the mean of the responses and covariates in a GLMM is given as follows: For i = 1,\ldots,n
, where n
is, equivalently, the number of rows in X
, the length of each element in id
, and the number of rows in each element of Z
, we have
g(\mu_{i}) = \bm{x}^T_i \bm{\beta} + \bm{z}^T_{i1} \bm{b}_{i1} + \bm{z}^T_{i2} \bm{b}_{i2} + \ldots,
where g(\cdot)
is the link function, \mu_i
is the mean of the distribution for observation i
, \bm{x}_i
is row i
of the fixed effects model matrix X
, and \bm{\beta}
is the fixed effects coefficients. For the random effects, \bm{z}_{i1}
is row i
of the random effects model matrix in the first element of Z
, while \bm{b}_{i1}
is the vector of random effects generated for observation i
based on the first element of D
. The remaining parameters \bm{z}_{i2}
, \bm{b}_{i2}
and so on, are defined similarly.
Having lists for id, Z
, and D
allows for multiple sets of random effects to be included in the true GLMM. This is analogous to the lme4
package, where multiple random effects are permitted in the formula, e.g., (1|creek) + (1|creek:sample)
. If the true GLMM contains only one set of random effects, e.g., in longitudinal data, then the three lists will all contain only one element. Cases with multiple sets of random effects include nested and crossed designs, in which case id, Z
, and D
will have two or more elements.
It is recommended that the user think through and design these lists carefully to ensure that they are actually constructing a true GLMM that they want to simulated data from. Yes it takes some getting use too, and we apologize for this =( Please see examples below for some ideas.
Finally, note that some of the elements of beta
can be zero, i.e. truly unimportant fixed effects. Likewise, each element of D
can be a random effects covariance matrix containing zero rows and columns, i.e. truly unimportant random effects.
A list containing the following elements
y |
The vector simulated responses. |
b |
A list with each element being a matrix of random effects simulated from a multivariate normal distribution with mean zero and covariance matrix equal to the corresponding element in the list |
id , X , Z , beta , D , phi , shape , zeroprob , trial.size , family |
Some of the arguments entered into |
nonzero.beta |
A vector indexing the non-zero values of |
nonzero.b |
A list with each element being a vector indexing the non-zero diagonal variances in the corresponding element of the list |
Francis K.C. Hui <>, with contributions from Samuel Mueller <> and A.H. Welsh <>
Maintainer: Francis Hui <>
Schielzeth, H., & Nakagawa, S. (2013). Nested by design: model fitting and interpretation in a mixed model era. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 4, 14-24.
See Also
for fitting and performing model selection in GLMMs using regularized PQL.
## Example 1: Linear Mixed Models
## Independent cluster model with 50 clusters
## Nine covariates including a fixed and random intercept
## Please note the rpql is currently not optimized for LMMs!
n <- 50; m <- 10; p <- 8;
## Generate rows of a model matrix from a multivariate normal distribution with
## AR1 covariance structure.
H <- abs(outer(1:p, 1:p, "-"))
X <- cbind(1,rmvnorm(n*m,rep(0,p),sigma=0.5^H));
Z <- X
true_betas <- c(1,3,2,1.5,-1,0,0,0,0) ## 5 important fixed effects
true_D <- matrix(0,p+1,p+1) ## 3 important random effects
true_D[1:3,1:3] <- matrix(c(9,4.8,0.6,4.8,4,1,0.6,1,1),3,3,byrow=TRUE)
simy <- gendat.glmm(id = list(cluster = rep(1:n,each=m)), X = X, beta = true_betas,
Z = list(cluster = Z), D = list(cluster = true_D), phi = 1, family = gaussian())
## Notice how id, Z, and D all are lists with one element, and that
## the name of the first element (a generic name "cluster") is the
## same for all three lists.
## id is where the action takes place. In particular, id$cluster is
## designed so that the first m elements correspond to cluster 1,
## the second m elements correspond to cluster 2, and so forth.
## In turn, the first m rows of X and Z$cluster correspond
## to cluster 1, and so on.
## Not run:
dat <- data.frame(y = simy$y, simy$X, simy$Z$cluster, simy$id)
fit_satlme4 <- lmer(y ~ X - 1 + (Z - 1 | cluster), data = dat,
fit_sat <-, gamma = 2)
lambda_seq <- lseq(1e-4,1,length=100)
fit <- rpqlseq(y = simy$y, X = simy$X, Z = simy$Z, id = simy$id,
family = gaussian(), lambda = lambda_seq, pen.type = "adl",
pen.weights = fit_sat$pen.weights, start = fit_sat)
summary(fit$[[5]]) ## Second of the hybrid ICs
# apply(fit$collect.ics, 2, which.min) ## Look at best fit chosen by different ICs
## End(Not run)
## Please see other examples in help file for the \code{rpql} function.