plane_zero {rplanes}R Documentation

Zero component


This function checks for the presence of any value(s) equal to zero in the evaluated signal. If there are any zeros found, then the function assesses whether or not any zeros have been observed in the seed for the given location. If so, the function will consider the evaluated zero plausible and no flag will be raised (i.e., indicator returned as FALSE). If not, the function will consider the evaluated zero implausible and a flag will be raised (i.e., indicator returned as TRUE).


plane_zero(location, input, seed)



Character vector with location code; the location must appear in input and seed


Input signal data to be scored; object must be one of forecast or observed


Prepared seed


A list with the following values:


## read in example observed data and prep observed signal
hosp <- read.csv(system.file("extdata/observed/hdgov_hosp_weekly.csv", package = "rplanes"))
hosp$date <- as.Date(hosp$date, format = "%Y-%m-%d")
prepped_observed <- to_signal(hosp, outcome = "flu.admits", type = "observed", resolution = "weeks")

## read in example forecast and prep forecast signal
fp <- system.file("extdata/forecast/2022-10-31-SigSci-TSENS.csv", package = "rplanes")
prepped_forecast <- read_forecast(fp) %>%
  to_signal(., outcome = "flu.admits", type = "forecast", horizon = 4)

## prepare seed with cut date
prepped_seed <- plane_seed(prepped_observed, cut_date = "2022-10-29")

## run plane component
plane_zero(location = "10", input = prepped_forecast, seed = prepped_seed)
plane_zero(location = "51", input = prepped_forecast, seed = prepped_seed)

[Package rplanes version 0.1.0 Index]