create_sliding_windows_df {rplanes}R Documentation

Sliding windows


This unexported helper function is used within plane_shape() to generate sliding windows from a vector and return a data frame where each row is a subset (a sliding window) of a time series. The length of the each windowed time series (and therefore number of columns) is equal to "window_size". The number of windows is equal to (length(vector) - window_size) + 1. For example, given a time series of length 38 and a window size of length 4, then there will be 35 windowed time series (rows), with 4 time stamps each (columns).


create_sliding_windows_df(vector, window_size)



A numeric or integer vector that is the time series to be used to create sliding windows


An integer specifying the size (i.e., number of elements) of the windowed time series desired


A data.frame where each row is a subset (a sliding window) of a time series.

[Package rplanes version 0.1.0 Index]