Get Silhouettes of Organisms from PhyloPic

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Documentation for package ‘rphylopic’ version 1.4.0

Help Pages

add_phylopic Annotate a ggplot plot with PhyloPics
add_phylopic_base Add PhyloPics to a base R plot
add_phylopic_legend Add a PhyloPic legend for a base R plot
browse_phylopic Browse PhyloPic for a given taxonomic name or uuid
flip_phylopic Flip a PhyloPic silhouette along its horizontal and/or vertical axis
geom_phylopic Geom for adding PhyloPic silhouettes to a plot
get_attribution Get PhyloPic attribution data
get_phylopic Retrieve an image for a given PhyloPic uuid
get_uuid Get a PhyloPic uuid
phylopic_key_glyph Use PhyloPics as legend key glyphs
pick_phylopic Pick a PhyloPic image from available options
plot.phylopic Preview a PhyloPic silhouette
plot.Picture Preview a PhyloPic silhouette
plot_phylopic Preview a PhyloPic silhouette
print.phylopic Retrieve an image for a given PhyloPic uuid
print.Picture Retrieve an image for a given PhyloPic uuid
recolor_phylopic Recolor a PhyloPic image
resolve_phylopic Use a taxonomic name from another database to get a PhyloPic image UUID
rotate_phylopic Rotate a PhyloPic silhouette
save_phylopic Save a PhyloPic image