plot.TrialDesignSet {rpact}R Documentation

Trial Design Set Plotting


Plots a trial design set.


## S3 method for class 'TrialDesignSet'
  type = 1L,
  main = NA_character_,
  xlab = NA_character_,
  ylab = NA_character_,
  palette = "Set1",
  theta = seq(-1, 1, 0.02),
  nMax = NA_integer_,
  plotPointsEnabled = NA,
  legendPosition = NA_integer_,
  showSource = FALSE,
  grid = 1,
  plotSettings = NULL



The trial design set, obtained from getDesignSet().


Not available for this kind of plot (is only defined to be compatible to the generic plot function).


Optional plot arguments. At the moment xlim and ylim are implemented for changing x or y axis limits without dropping data observations.


The plot type (default = 1). The following plot types are available:

  • 1: creates a 'Boundaries' plot

  • 3: creates a 'Stage Levels' plot

  • 4: creates a 'Error Spending' plot

  • 5: creates a 'Power and Early Stopping' plot

  • 6: creates an 'Average Sample Size and Power / Early Stop' plot

  • 7: creates an 'Power' plot

  • 8: creates an 'Early Stopping' plot

  • 9: creates an 'Average Sample Size' plot

  • "all": creates all available plots and returns it as a grid plot or list


The main title.


The x-axis label.


The y-axis label.


The palette, default is "Set1".


A vector of standardized effect sizes (theta values), default is a sequence from -1 to 1.


The maximum sample size. Must be a positive integer of length 1.


Logical. If TRUE, additional points will be plotted.


The position of the legend. By default (NA_integer_) the algorithm tries to find a suitable position. Choose one of the following values to specify the position manually:

  • -1: no legend will be shown

  • NA: the algorithm tries to find a suitable position

  • 0: legend position outside plot

  • 1: legend position left top

  • 2: legend position left center

  • 3: legend position left bottom

  • 4: legend position right top

  • 5: legend position right center

  • 6: legend position right bottom


Logical. If TRUE, the parameter names of the object will be printed which were used to create the plot; that may be, e.g., useful to check the values or to create own plots with the base R plot function. Alternatively showSource can be defined as one of the following character values:

  • "commands": returns a character vector with plot commands

  • "axes": returns a list with the axes definitions

  • "test": all plot commands will be validated with eval(parse()) and returned as character vector (function does not stop if an error occurs)

  • "validate": all plot commands will be validated with eval(parse()) and returned as character vector (function stops if an error occurs)

Note: no plot object will be returned if showSource is a character.


An integer value specifying the output of multiple plots. By default (1) a list of ggplot objects will be returned. If a grid value > 1 was specified, a grid plot will be returned if the number of plots is <= specified grid value; a list of ggplot objects will be returned otherwise. If grid = 0 is specified, all plots will be created using print command and a list of ggplot objects will be returned invisible. Note that one of the following packages must be installed to create a grid plot: 'ggpubr', 'gridExtra', or 'cowplot'.


An object of class PlotSettings created by getPlotSettings().


Generic function to plot a trial design set. Is, e.g., useful to compare different designs or design parameters visual.


Returns a ggplot2 object.


## Not run: 
design <- getDesignInverseNormal(
    kMax = 3, alpha = 0.025,
    typeOfDesign = "asKD", gammaA = 2,
    informationRates = c(0.2, 0.7, 1), typeBetaSpending = "bsOF"

# Create a set of designs based on the master design defined above
# and varied parameter 'gammaA'
designSet <- getDesignSet(design = design, gammaA = 4)

if (require(ggplot2)) plot(designSet, type = 1, legendPosition = 6)

## End(Not run)

[Package rpact version 4.0.0 Index]