link_again {ropenblas}R Documentation

Linking the OpenBLAS library with R again


The link_again function links again the OpenBLAS library with the R language, being useful to correct problems of untying the OpenBLAS library that is common when the operating system is updated.


link_again(restart_r = TRUE)



If TRUE (default), a new section of R is started after linking the OpenBLAS library.


The function link_again be able to link again the R language with the OpenBLAS library. Thus, link_again will only make the relinkagem when in some previous section of R the ropenblas function has been used for the initial binding of the R language with the OpenBLAS library.

Relinking is useful in situations of updating the operating system. In some update, it is possible that the OpenBLAS library compiled in the /opt directory is unlinked. In this scenario, when the OpenBLAS library has already been compiled using the ropenblas function, the link_again function performs a new link without the need to recompile, thus making the process less time consuming.


In situations where there was a disconnection due to an update of the operating system, the ropenblas function can be used to re-link the OpenBLAS library with the R language, however, it will be necessary to compile the OpenBLAS library again. If you are interested in recompiling the OpenBLAS library and linking with R, use the ropenblas function. If the interest is to take advantage of a previous compilation of the OpenBLAS library, the function link_again may be useful.

See Also



# link_again()

[Package ropenblas version 0.3.0 Index]