Construct Consistent Time Series from Textual Data

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Documentation for package ‘rollinglda’ version 0.1.3

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rollinglda-package rollinglda: Construct Consistent Time Series from Textual Data
as.RollingLDA RollingLDA Object
dates A Snippet of the Economy Dataset from toscaData
economy A Snippet of the Economy Dataset from toscaData
economy_dates A Snippet of the Economy Dataset from toscaData
economy_texts A Snippet of the Economy Dataset from toscaData
getChunks Getter for RollingLDA
getDates Getter for RollingLDA
getDocs Getter for RollingLDA
getID.RollingLDA Getter for RollingLDA
getLDA.RollingLDA Getter for RollingLDA
getNames Getter for RollingLDA
getParam.RollingLDA Getter for RollingLDA
getVocab Getter for RollingLDA
is.RollingLDA RollingLDA Object
RollingLDA RollingLDA
rollinglda rollinglda: Construct Consistent Time Series from Textual Data
RollingLDA.default RollingLDA
RollingLDA.RollingLDA Updating an existing RollingLDA object
texts A Snippet of the Economy Dataset from toscaData
updateRollingLDA Updating an existing RollingLDA object