rocker-README {rocker} | R Documentation |
How-to and examples
Please read me.
Installation of current released version from CRAN
Installation of current development version from GitHub
install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("nikolaus77/rocker")
New rocker class object
Create new rocker database handling object
Option 1
db <- rocker::newDB() # New database handling object
## dctr | New object
Option 2
db <- rocker::rocker$new() # New database handling object
## dctr | New object
Terminal output
Controlling terminal output
db <- rocker::newDB(verbose = TRUE) # New database handling object
## dctr | New object
## Dctr | Driver load RPostgres
## dctr | Driver unload RPostgres
db$verbose <- FALSE # Terminal output off db$setupPostgreSQL() db$unloadDriver()
db$verbose <- TRUE # Terminal output on (default) db$setupPostgreSQL()
## Dctr | Driver load RPostgres
## dctr | Driver unload RPostgres
Structure of terminal output
Dctr | Driver load RSQLite D = Driver (D = loaded, d = not set) c = Connection (C = opened, c = closed) t = Transation (T = active, t = no tranastion) r = Result (R = available, r = no result) Driver load RSQLite = Message text
Optional object ID
Optionally, rocker object can be labeled with an ID. This can be helpful in case terminal output of multiple rocker objects need to be distinguished.
db1 <- rocker::newDB(id = "myDB 1") # New database handling object with ID
## myDB 1 | dctr | New object id myDB 1
db2 <- rocker::newDB(id = "myDB 2") # New database handling object with ID
## myDB 2 | dctr | New object id myDB 2
## myDB 1 | Dctr | Driver load RPostgres
## myDB 2 | Dctr | Driver load RMariaDB
## myDB 1 | dctr | Driver unload RPostgres
## myDB 2 | dctr | Driver unload RMariaDB
db1$id <- NULL # Remove ID db1$setupSQLite()
## Dctr | Driver load RSQLite
## dctr | Driver unload RSQLite
db1$id <- "newID 1" # Add new ID db1$setupSQLite()
## newID 1 | Dctr | Driver load RSQLite
## newID 1 | dctr | Driver unload RSQLite
Object properties
Object properties are stored in the info field and can be displayed by print function.
db <- rocker::newDB() # New database handling object
## dctr | New object
## Dctr | Driver load RPostgres
## $package ## [1] "RPostgres" ## ## $host ## [1] "" ## ## $port ## [1] "5432" ## ## $dbname ## [1] "mydb"
## object ## id null ## verbose true ## validateQuery null ## database ## package RPostgres ## host ## port 5432 ## dbname mydb ## status ## driver true ## connection false ## transaction false ## result false
## object ## id null ## verbose true ## validateQuery null ## database ## package RPostgres ## host ## port 5432 ## dbname mydb ## status ## driver true ## connection false ## transaction false ## result false
## object ## id null ## verbose true ## validateQuery null ## database ## package RPostgres ## host ## port 5432 ## dbname mydb ## status ## driver true ## connection false ## transaction false ## result false
## dctr | Driver unload RPostgres
Connection validation – Is the earlier opened database connection still open?
db <- rocker::newDB() # New database handling object
## dctr | New object
## Dctr | Driver load RSQLite
## object ## id null ## verbose true ## validateQuery null ## database ## package RSQLite ## dbname :memory: ## status ## driver true ## connection false ## transaction false ## result false
During connection setup, a validateQuery is looked up automatically.
## DCtr | Database connected
## object ## id null ## verbose true ## validateQuery SELECT 1 ## database ## package RSQLite ## dbname :memory: ## status ## driver true ## connection true ## transaction false ## result false
Discovered validateQuery
## [1] "SELECT 1"
Validate connection
## DCtr | Connection valid true ## [1] TRUE
If required, validateQuery can be defined manually.
db$validateQuery <- "SELECT 2" db$validateCon()
## DCtr | Connection valid true ## [1] TRUE
## object ## id null ## verbose true ## validateQuery SELECT 2 ## database ## package RSQLite ## dbname :memory: ## status ## driver true ## connection true ## transaction false ## result false
Clean up
## Dctr | Database disconnected
## Dctr | Connection valid false ## [1] FALSE
## dctr | Driver unload RSQLite
Additional packages and database types
The listed packages are required for some functions of rocker.
RSQLite package
RSQLite package for handling of SQLite database connections. It is required for the setupSQLite() function of rocker class.
Setup database
Option 1
db <- rocker::newDB() # New database handling object
## dctr | New object
db$setupSQLite( # Setup SQLite database dbname = ":memory:" )
## Dctr | Driver load RSQLite
db$unloadDriver() # Reset database handling object
## dctr | Driver unload RSQLite
Option 2
db <- rocker::newDB() # New database handling object
## dctr | New object
db$setupDriver( # Setup SQLite database drv = RSQLite::SQLite(), dbname = ":memory:" )
## Dctr | Driver load RSQLite
db$unloadDriver() # Reset database handling object
## dctr | Driver unload RSQLite
RPostgres package
RPostgres package for handling of PostgreSQL database connections. It is required for the setupPostgreSQL() function of rocker class.
Setup database
Option 1
db <- rocker::newDB() # New database handling object #> dctr | New object db$setupPostgreSQL( # Setup PostgreSQL database host = "", port = "5432", dbname = "mydb", user = "postgres", password = "password" ) #> Dctr | Driver load RPostgres db$unloadDriver() # Reset database handling object #> dctr | Driver unload RPostgres
Option 2
db <- rocker::newDB() # New database handling object #> dctr | New object db$setupDriver( # Setup PostgreSQL database drv = RPostgres::Postgres(), host = "", port = "5432", dbname = "mydb", user = "postgres", password = "password" ) #> Dctr | Driver load RPostgres db$unloadDriver() # Reset database handling object #> dctr | Driver unload RPostgres
RMariaDB package
RMariaDB package for handling of MariaDB and MySQL database connections. It is required for the setupMariaDB() function of rocker class.
Setup database
Option 1
db <- rocker::newDB() # New database handling object #> dctr | New object db$setupMariaDB( # Setup MariaDB database host = "", port = "3306", dbname = "mydb", user = "root", password = "password" ) #> Dctr | Driver load RMariaDB db$unloadDriver() # Reset database handling object #> dctr | Driver unload RMariaDB
Option 2
db <- rocker::newDB() # New database handling object #> dctr | New object db$setupDriver( # Setup MariaDB database drv = RMariaDB::MariaDB(), host = "", port = "3306", dbname = "mydb", user = "root", password = "password" ) #> Dctr | Driver load RMariaDB db$unloadDriver() # Reset database handling object #> dctr | Driver unload RMariaDB
crayon package
The crayon package is required for colored terminal output. If missing terminal output is monochrome.
Database connection
There are different ways to open a connection and to get data.
Prepare database with a table
db <- rocker::newDB() # New database handling object
## dctr | New object
db$setupSQLite(dbname = tempfile()) # Setup SQLite database
## Dctr | Driver load RSQLite
db$connect() # Open connection
## DCtr | Database connected
db$writeTable("mtcars", mtcars) # Create table for testing
## DCtr | Write table mtcars columns mpg, cyl, disp, hp, drat, wt, qsec, vs, am, gear, carb rows 32
db$disconnect() # Close connection
## Dctr | Database disconnected
Example 1
Get query with automatic connection / disconnection
output <- db$getQuery("SELECT * FROM mtcars;") # Get query
## DCtr | Database connected ## DCtR | Send query 21 characters ## DCtR | Fetch rows all -> Received 32 rows, 11 columns, 4824 bytes ## DCtR | Rows fetched 32 ## DCtR | Has completed yes ## DCtr | Clear result ## Dctr | Database disconnected
Example 2
Get query with manual connection / disconnection
db$connect() # Open connection
## DCtr | Database connected
output1 <- db$getQuery("SELECT * FROM mtcars;") # Get query 1
## DCtR | Send query 21 characters ## DCtR | Fetch rows all -> Received 32 rows, 11 columns, 4824 bytes ## DCtR | Rows fetched 32 ## DCtR | Has completed yes ## DCtr | Clear result
output2 <- db$getQuery("SELECT * FROM mtcars;", 15) # Get query 2
## DCtR | Send query 21 characters ## DCtR | Fetch rows 15 -> Received 15 rows, 11 columns, 3416 bytes ## DCtR | Rows fetched 15 ## DCtR | Has completed no ## DCtR | Fetch rows 15 -> Received 15 rows, 11 columns, 3416 bytes ## DCtR | Rows fetched 30 ## DCtR | Has completed no ## DCtR | Fetch rows 15 -> Received 2 rows, 11 columns, 2184 bytes ## DCtR | Rows fetched 32 ## DCtR | Has completed yes ## DCtr | Clear result
db$disconnect() # Close connection
## Dctr | Database disconnected
Example 3
Function getQuery() is a combination of functions sendQuery(), fetch() and clearResult().
db$connect() # Open connection
## DCtr | Database connected
db$sendQuery("SELECT * FROM mtcars;") # Send query
## DCtR | Send query 21 characters
output <- db$fetch() # Fetch result
## DCtR | Fetch rows all -> Received 32 rows, 11 columns, 4824 bytes
db$clearResult() # Clean up result
## DCtr | Clear result
db$disconnect() # Close connection
## Dctr | Database disconnected
Clean up
db$unloadDriver() # Reset database handling object
## dctr | Driver unload RSQLite
Password storage
Some efforts were undertaken to encrypt and to protect the password in the private area of the class. The class stores the password hidden and inaccessible. Please let me know, in case you discover a way how to access the password!
db <- rocker::newDB() # New database handling object #> dctr | New object db$setupDriver( # Setup PostgreSQL database with stored password (password and user are hidden - default behavior) RPostgres::Postgres(), host = "", port = "5432", dbname = "mydb", user = "postgres", password = "password", protect = c("password", "user") ) #> Dctr | Driver load RPostgres
db$connect() # Open connection 1; Password is stored in the class and does not need to be provided. #> DCtr | Database connected output1 <- db$getQuery("SELECT * FROM mtcars;") # Get query 1 #> DCtR | Send query 21 characters #> DCtR | Fetch rows all -> Received 32 rows, 11 columns, 4824 bytes #> DCtR | Rows fetched 32 #> DCtR | Has completed yes #> DCtr | Clear result db$disconnect() # Close connection 1 #> Dctr | Database disconnected
db$connect() # Open connection 2; Password is stored in the class and does not need to be provided. #> DCtr | Database connected output2 <- db$getQuery("SELECT * FROM mtcars;") # Get query 2 #> DCtR | Send query 21 characters #> DCtR | Fetch rows all -> Received 32 rows, 11 columns, 4824 bytes #> DCtR | Rows fetched 32 #> DCtR | Has completed yes #> DCtr | Clear result db$disconnect() # Close connection 2 #> Dctr | Database disconnected
db$unloadDriver() # Reset database handling object #> dctr | Driver unload RPostgres
In case you do not want to store the password in the class, you will need to provide it each time a connection is opened.
db <- rocker::newDB() # New database handling object #> dctr | New object db$setupDriver( # Setup PostgreSQL database without stored password RPostgres::Postgres(), host = "", port = "5432", dbname = "mydb", user = "postgres" ) #> Dctr | Driver load RPostgres
db$connect(password = "password") # Open connection 1; Password needs to be provided. #> DCtr | Database connected output1 <- db$getQuery("SELECT * FROM mtcars;") # Get query 1 #> DCtR | Send query 21 characters #> DCtR | Fetch rows all -> Received 32 rows, 11 columns, 4824 bytes #> DCtR | Rows fetched 32 #> DCtR | Has completed yes #> DCtr | Clear result db$disconnect() # Close connection 1 #> Dctr | Database disconnected
db$connect(password = "password") # Open connection 2; Password needs to be provided. #> DCtr | Database connected output2 <- db$getQuery("SELECT * FROM mtcars;") # Get query 2 #> DCtR | Send query 21 characters #> DCtR | Fetch rows all -> Received 32 rows, 11 columns, 4824 bytes #> DCtR | Rows fetched 32 #> DCtR | Has completed yes #> DCtr | Clear result db$disconnect() # Close connection 2 #> Dctr | Database disconnected
db$unloadDriver() # Reset database handling object #> dctr | Driver unload RPostgres
DBI objects
rocker class encapsulates the DBI objects driver, connection and result. If required, these objects can be directly used with DBI functions. However, it is recommended to use this option with care! Direct usage of DBI functions, may disrupt proper function of rocker class. Many DBI functions are implemented in rocker class. Whenever possible, use the rocker class functions.
Prepare object
db <- rocker::newDB() # New database handling object
## dctr | New object
db$.drv # Empty driver
db$.con # Empty connection
db$.res # Empty result
db$setupSQLite() # Setup SQLite database
## Dctr | Driver load RSQLite
db$.drv # 'DBI' DBIDriver-class
## <SQLiteDriver>
db$getInfoDrv() # 'rocker' class function
## Dctr | Driver info 2.2.16 (driver.version), 3.39.2 (client.version) ## $driver.version ## [1] '2.2.16' ## ## $client.version ## [1] '3.39.2'
DBI::dbGetInfo(db$.drv) # Direct usage of 'DBI' function on 'rocker' class
## $driver.version ## [1] '2.2.16' ## ## $client.version ## [1] '3.39.2'
RSQLite::dbGetInfo(db$.drv) # Direct usage of driver package, 'RSQLite', function on 'rocker' class
## $driver.version ## [1] '2.2.16' ## ## $client.version ## [1] '3.39.2'
db$connect() # Open connection
## DCtr | Database connected
db$.con # 'DBI' DBIConnection-class
## <SQLiteConnection> ## Path: :memory: ## Extensions: TRUE
db$getInfoCon() # 'rocker' class function
## DCtr | Connection info 3.39.2 (db.version), :memory: (dbname), NA (username), NA (host), NA (port) ## $db.version ## [1] "3.39.2" ## ## $dbname ## [1] ":memory:" ## ## $username ## [1] NA ## ## $host ## [1] NA ## ## $port ## [1] NA
DBI::dbGetInfo(db$.con) # Direct usage of 'DBI' function on 'rocker' class
## $db.version ## [1] "3.39.2" ## ## $dbname ## [1] ":memory:" ## ## $username ## [1] NA ## ## $host ## [1] NA ## ## $port ## [1] NA
RSQLite::dbGetInfo(db$.con) # Direct usage of driver package, 'RSQLite', function on 'rocker' class
## $db.version ## [1] "3.39.2" ## ## $dbname ## [1] ":memory:" ## ## $username ## [1] NA ## ## $host ## [1] NA ## ## $port ## [1] NA
Prepare table
db$writeTable("mtcars", mtcars) # Create table for testing
## DCtr | Write table mtcars columns mpg, cyl, disp, hp, drat, wt, qsec, vs, am, gear, carb rows 32
db$sendQuery("SELECT * FROM mtcars;") # Send query
## DCtR | Send query 21 characters
db$.res # 'DBI' DBIResult-class
## <SQLiteResult> ## SQL SELECT * FROM mtcars; ## ROWS Fetched: 0 [incomplete] ## Changed: 0
db$getInfoRes() # 'rocker' class function
## DCtR | Result info SELECT * FROM mtcars; (statement), 0 (row.count), 0 (rows.affected), FALSE (has.completed) ## $statement ## [1] "SELECT * FROM mtcars;" ## ## $row.count ## [1] 0 ## ## $rows.affected ## [1] 0 ## ## $has.completed ## [1] FALSE
DBI::dbGetInfo(db$.res) # Direct usage of 'DBI' function on 'rocker' class
## $statement ## [1] "SELECT * FROM mtcars;" ## ## $row.count ## [1] 0 ## ## $rows.affected ## [1] 0 ## ## $has.completed ## [1] FALSE
RSQLite::dbGetInfo(db$.res) # Direct usage of driver package, 'RSQLite', function on 'rocker' class
## $statement ## [1] "SELECT * FROM mtcars;" ## ## $row.count ## [1] 0 ## ## $rows.affected ## [1] 0 ## ## $has.completed ## [1] FALSE
Clean up
db$clearResult() # Clean up result
## DCtr | Clear result
db$.res # Empty result
db$disconnect() # Close connection
## Dctr | Database disconnected
db$.con # Empty connection
db$unloadDriver() # Reset database handling object
## dctr | Driver unload RSQLite
db$.drv # Empty driver
DBI functions in rocker
Generally, rocker function names are related to DBI function names. In rocker functions, the leading db is removed.
In DBI most functions need to be supplied with a driver (drv), connection (conn) or result (res) object. In rocker, functions automatically access the corresponding objects (.drv, .con and .res) stored in the class.
DBI example
drv <- RSQLite::SQLite() # SQLite driver DBI::dbCanConnect( # Test parameter drv = drv, dbname = ":memory:" )
## [1] TRUE
con <- DBI::dbConnect( # Open connection drv = drv, dbname = ":memory:" ) DBI::dbWriteTable(con, "mtcars", mtcars) # Create table for testing res <- DBI::dbSendQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM mtcars;") # Send query output <- DBI::dbFetch(res) # Fetch result DBI::dbClearResult(res) # Clean up result DBI::dbDisconnect(con) # Close connection DBI::dbUnloadDriver(drv) # Unload driver
rocker example
db <- rocker::newDB(verbose = FALSE) # New database handling object db$setupDriver( # Setup SQLite database drv = RSQLite::SQLite(), dbname = ":memory:" ) db$canConnect() # Test parameter
## [1] TRUE
db$connect() # Open connection db$writeTable("mtcars", mtcars) # Create table for testing db$sendQuery("SELECT * FROM mtcars;") # Send query output <- db$fetch() # Fetch result db$clearResult() # Clean up result db$disconnect() # Close connection db$unloadDriver() # Reset database handling object
List of functions
rocker function | Corresponding DBI function | DBI object used | Comment |
initialize() | none | none | |
print() | none | none | |
setupDriver() | none | driver from appropriate package | Usually, parameters provided to dbConnect() in DBI are provided to setupDriver() in rocker |
setupPostgreSQL() | none | none | RPostgres::Postgres() is used with rocker function setupDriver() |
setupMariaDB() | none | none | RMariaDB::MariaDB() is used with rocker function setupDriver() |
setupSQLite() | none | none | RSQLite::SQLite() is used with rocker function setupDriver() |
unloadDriver() | dbUnloadDriver() | driver | |
canConnect() | dbCanConnect() | driver | Usually, parameters provided to dbCanConnect() in DBI are provided to setupDriver() in rocker |
connect() | dbConnect() | driver | Usually, parameters provided to dbConnect() in DBI are provided to setupDriver() in rocker |
disconnect() | dbDisconnect() | connection | |
sendQuery() | dbSendQuery() | connection | |
getQuery() | Is not using dbGetQuery(), but has the same function | connection | Especially, combination of rocker functions sendQuery(), fetch() and clearResult() |
sendStatement() | dbSendStatement() | connection | |
execute() | Is not using dbExecute(), but has the same function | connection | Especially, combination of rocker functions sendStatement() and clearResult() |
fetch() | dbFetch() | result | |
hasCompleted() | dbHasCompleted() | result | |
getRowsAffected() | dbGetRowsAffected() | result | |
getRowCount() | dbGetRowCount() | result | |
columnInfo() | dbColumnInfo() | result | |
getStatement() | dbGetStatement() | result | |
clearResult() | dbClearResult() | result | |
begin() | dbBegin() | connection | |
commit() | dbCommit() | connection | |
rollback() | dbRollback() | connection | |
getInfoDrv() | dbGetInfo() | driver | |
getInfoCon() | dbGetInfo() | connection | |
getInfoRes() | dbGetInfo() | result | |
isValidDrv() | dbIsValid() | driver | |
isValidCon() | dbIsValid() | connection | |
isValidRes() | dbIsValid() | result | |
createTable() | dbCreateTable() | connection | |
appendTable() | dbAppendTable() | connection | |
writeTable() | dbWriteTable | connection | |
readTable() | dbReadTable | connection | |
removeTable() | dbRemoveTable() | connection | |
existsTable() | dbExistsTable() | connection | |
listFields() | dbListFields() | connection | |
listObjects() | dbListObjects() | connection | |
listTables() | dbListTables() | connection | |
Setup database and a table with 32 rows.
db <- rocker::newDB() # New database handling object
## dctr | New object
db$setupSQLite() # Setup SQLite database
## Dctr | Driver load RSQLite
db$connect() # Open connection
## DCtr | Database connected
db$writeTable("mtcars", mtcars) # Create table for testing
## DCtr | Write table mtcars columns mpg, cyl, disp, hp, drat, wt, qsec, vs, am, gear, carb rows 32
output <- db$getQuery("SELECT * FROM mtcars;") # Get query -> 32 rows
## DCtR | Send query 21 characters ## DCtR | Fetch rows all -> Received 32 rows, 11 columns, 4824 bytes ## DCtR | Rows fetched 32 ## DCtR | Has completed yes ## DCtr | Clear result
db$transaction # Transaction indicator
## [1] FALSE
Starting with a table with 32 rows, begin transaction 1. Delete 15 rows and commit transaction. Operations results in a table with 17 rows.
db$begin() # Start transaction 1
## DCTr | Transaction begin
db$transaction # Transaction indicator
## [1] TRUE
AFFECTED <- db$execute("DELETE FROM mtcars WHERE gear = 3;") # Modify table -> 15 rows
## DCTR | Send statement 34 characters ## DCTR | Rows affected 15 ## DCTr | Clear result
db$commit() # Commit transaction 1
## DCtr | Transaction commit
db$transaction # Transaction indicator
## [1] FALSE
output <- db$getQuery("SELECT * FROM mtcars;") # Get query -> 17 rows
## DCtR | Send query 21 characters ## DCtR | Fetch rows all -> Received 17 rows, 11 columns, 3504 bytes ## DCtR | Rows fetched 17 ## DCtR | Has completed yes ## DCtr | Clear result
Starting with a table with 17 rows, begin transaction 2. Delete 5 rows and rollback transaction. Operations results in a table with 17 rows.
db$begin() # Start transaction 2
## DCTr | Transaction begin
db$transaction # Transaction indicator
## [1] TRUE
AFFECTED <- db$execute("DELETE FROM mtcars WHERE gear = 5;") # Modify table -> 5 rows
## DCTR | Send statement 34 characters ## DCTR | Rows affected 5 ## DCTr | Clear result
output <- db$getQuery("SELECT * FROM mtcars;") # Get query -> 12 rows
## DCTR | Send query 21 characters ## DCTR | Fetch rows all -> Received 12 rows, 11 columns, 3416 bytes ## DCTR | Rows fetched 12 ## DCTR | Has completed yes ## DCTr | Clear result
db$rollback() # Rollback transaction 2
## DCtr | Transaction rollback
db$transaction # Transaction indicator
## [1] FALSE
output <- db$getQuery("SELECT * FROM mtcars;") # Get query -> 17 rows
## DCtR | Send query 21 characters ## DCtR | Fetch rows all -> Received 17 rows, 11 columns, 3504 bytes ## DCtR | Rows fetched 17 ## DCtR | Has completed yes ## DCtr | Clear result
Clean up
db$disconnect() # Close connection
## Dctr | Database disconnected
db$unloadDriver() # Reset database handling object
## dctr | Driver unload RSQLite
Usage of S3 and R6 functions
Although rocker is a R6 class, functions can be also accesses in classical S3 way.
S3 example
library(rocker) db <- newDB()
## dctr | New object
setupDriver(db, drv = RSQLite::SQLite(), dbname = ":memory:")
## Dctr | Driver load RSQLite
## DCtr | Database connected
writeTable(db, "mtcars", mtcars)
## DCtr | Write table mtcars columns mpg, cyl, disp, hp, drat, wt, qsec, vs, am, gear, carb rows 32
sendQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM mtcars;")
## DCtR | Send query 21 characters
output <- fetch(db)
## DCtR | Fetch rows all -> Received 32 rows, 11 columns, 4824 bytes
## DCtr | Clear result
## Dctr | Database disconnected
## dctr | Driver unload RSQLite
R6 example
db <- rocker::newDB()
## dctr | New object
db$setupDriver(drv = RSQLite::SQLite(), dbname = ":memory:")
## Dctr | Driver load RSQLite
## DCtr | Database connected
db$writeTable("mtcars", mtcars)
## DCtr | Write table mtcars columns mpg, cyl, disp, hp, drat, wt, qsec, vs, am, gear, carb rows 32
db$sendQuery("SELECT * FROM mtcars;")
## DCtR | Send query 21 characters
output <- db$fetch()
## DCtR | Fetch rows all -> Received 32 rows, 11 columns, 4824 bytes
## DCtr | Clear result
## Dctr | Database disconnected
## dctr | Driver unload RSQLite
See Also
Other rocker:
Other rocker-S3-functions: