opts {rock}R Documentation

Options for the rock package


The rock::opts object contains three functions to set, get, and reset options used by the rock package. Use rock::opts$set to set options, rock::opts$get to get options, or rock::opts$reset to reset specific or all options to their default values.




An object of class list of length 4.


It is normally not necessary to get or set rock options. The defaults implement the Reproducible Open Coding Kit (ROCK) standard, and deviating from these defaults therefore means the processed sources and codes are not compatible and cannot be processed by other software that implements the ROCK. Still, in some cases this degree of customization might be desirable.

The following arguments can be passed:


For rock::opts$set, the dots can be used to specify the options to set, in the format option = value, for example, utteranceMarker = "\n". For rock::opts$reset, a list of options to be reset can be passed.


For rock::opts$set, the name of the option to set.


For rock::opts$get, the default value to return if the option has not been manually specified.

Some of the options that can be set (see rock::opts$defaults for the full list):


A named character vector with one or more regular expressions that specify how to extract the codes (that were used to code the sources). These regular expressions must each contain one capturing group to capture the codes.


A named character vector with one or more regular expressions that specify how to extract the different types of identifiers. These regular expressions must each contain one capturing group to capture the identifiers.


A named character vector with one or more regular expressions that specify how to extract the different types of sections.


The names of the idRegexes that, if missing, should receive autogenerated identifiers (which consist of 'autogenerated_' followed by an incrementing number).


This regular expression is matched with all codes after they have been extracted using the codeRegexes regular expression (i.e. they're matched against the codes themselves without, for example, the square brackets in the default code regex). Any codes matching this noCodes regular expression will be ignored, i.e., removed from the list of codes.


For inductive coding, this marker is used to indicate hierarchical relationships between codes. The code at the left hand side of this marker will be considered the parent code of the code on the right hand side. More than two levels can be specified in one code (for example, if the inductiveCodingHierarchyMarker is '>', the code ⁠grandparent>child>grandchild⁠ would indicate codes at three levels.


The name of YAML fragments containing case attributes (e.g. metadata, demographic variables, quantitative data about cases, etc).


The name of YAML fragments containing (parts of) deductive coding trees.


The regular expression that is used to extract the YAML fragments.


A character vector of two elements specifying the opening and closing delimiters of codes (conform the default ROCK convention, two square brackets). The square brackets will be escaped; other characters will not, but will be used as-is.


The regular expression that is used to delete lines before any other processing. This can be used to enable adding comments to sources, which are then ignored during analysis.


Whether to include the default bootstrap CSS.


How to specify breaks between utterances in the source(s). The ROCK convention is to use a newline (⁠\\n⁠).


A regular expression specifying the coder identifier, specified similarly to the codeRegexes.


The identifier to use for utterances that do not have a coder id (i.e. utterance that occur in a source that does not specify a coder id, or above the line where a coder id is specified).


### Get the default utteranceMarker

### Set it to a custom version, so that every line starts with a pipe
rock::opts$set(utteranceMarker = "\n|");

### Check that it worked

### Reset this option to its default value

### Check that the reset worked, too

[Package rock version 0.8.1 Index]