Statistical Inference for Box-Cox Based Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves

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Documentation for package ‘rocbc’ version 3.1.0

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checkboxcox Tests whether Box-Cox is appropriate for the given dataset (one-marker version)
checkboxcox2 Tests whether Box-Cox is appropriate for the given dataset (two-marker version)
comparebcAUC Performs inference to compare the AUCs of two correlated (or uncorrelated) Box-Cox transformed biomarkers at a given nominal level
comparebcJ Performs inference to compare the Youden Indices of two correlated (or uncorrelated) Box-Cox transformed biomarkers at a given nominal level
comparebcSens Performs inference to compare the sensitivities of two correlated (or uncorrelated) Box-Cox transformed biomarkers at a given specificty and a given nominal level
comparebcSpec Performs inference to compare the specificities of two correlated (or uncorrelated) Box-Cox transformed biomarkers at a given sensitivity and a given nominal level
rocboxcox Comprehensive Box-Cox ROC analysis for a single marker
rocboxcoxCI Inference around the sensitivity at a given specificity (and vice versa) for a single Box-Cox transformed biomarker
threerocs Provides visual comparison of three ROC estimation methods (one-marker version)
threerocs2 Provides visual comparison of three ROC estimation methods (two-marker version)