robustX-package {robustX}R Documentation

eXperimental eXtraneous ... Functionality for Robust Statistics


The package robustX aims to be a collection of R functionality for robust statistics of methods and ideas that are considered as proposals, experimental, for experiences or just too much specialized to be part of the “Robust Basics” package robustbase.


Package: robustX
Type: Package
Title: 'eXtra' / 'eXperimental' Functionality for Robust Statistics
Version: 1.2-7
Date: 2023-06-14
Authors@R: c(person("Martin","Maechler", role=c("aut","cre"), email="", comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-8685-9910")) , person("Werner A.", "Stahel", role="aut", email="") , person("Rolf", "Turner", role="ctb", email="", comment = "reclas()") , person("Ueli", "Oetliker", role="ctb", comment = "original version of BACON() and mvBACON for S+") , person("Tobias", "Schoch", role="ctb", comment = "init.sel=\"V2\" for BACON; fix alpha") )
Maintainer: Martin Maechler <>
Description: Robustness -- 'eXperimental', 'eXtraneous', or 'eXtraordinary' Functionality for Robust Statistics. Hence methods which are not well established, often related to methods in package 'robustbase'. Amazingly, 'BACON()', originally by Billor, Hadi, and Velleman (2000) <doi:10.1016/S0167-9473(99)00101-2> has become established in places. The "barrow wheel" `rbwheel()` is from Stahel and Mächler (2009) <doi:10.1111/j.1467-9868.2009.00706.x>.
Imports: grDevices, graphics, stats, utils, robustbase (>= 0.92-3)
Suggests: MASS, lattice, pcaPP
Enhances: ICS
License: GPL (>= 2)
Encoding: UTF-8
Author: Martin Maechler [aut, cre] (<>), Werner A. Stahel [aut], Rolf Turner [ctb] (reclas()), Ueli Oetliker [ctb] (original version of BACON() and mvBACON for S+), Tobias Schoch [ctb] (init.sel="V2" for BACON; fix alpha)

Index of help topics:

BACON                   BACON for Regression or Multivariate Covariance
L1median                Compute the Multivariate L1-Median aka 'Spatial
Qrot                    Rotation Matrix to Specific Direction
covNNC                  Robust Covariance Estimation via Nearest
                        Neighbor Cleaning
mvBACON                 BACON: Blocked Adaptive
                        Computationally-Efficient Outlier Nominators
rbwheel                 Multivariate Barrow Wheel Distribution Random
reclas                  Recursive Robust Median-like Location and Scale
robustX-package         eXperimental eXtraneous ... Functionality for
                        Robust Statistics


Werner Stahel, Martin Maechler and potentially others

Maintainer: Martin Maechler

See Also

Package robustbase which it complements and on which it depends; further package robust and the whole CRAN task view on robust statistics,


pairs( rbwheel(100, 4) )

[Package robustX version 1.2-7 Index]