predict.robu {robumeta}R Documentation

Prediction method for a robumeta object.


predict.robu produces the predicted mean and confidence interval of a fitted robumeta model object given a prediction vector.


## S3 method for class 'robu'
predict(object, pred.vector, level = 0.95, ...)



A fitted robumeta model object.


A prediction vector containing the new covariate values.


Confidence level.


Additional arguments to predict.


  robu_mod <- robu(LOR1 ~ study_design + duration + service_hrs, 
                   data = dropoutPrevention, 
                   studynum = studyID, 
                   var.eff.size = varLOR, 
                   modelweights = "HIER",
                   small = TRUE)

In this robumeta model, the first covariate is a categorical variable that contains three levels: "Matched" (33 percent, dummy code: 00), "Randomized"(24 percent, 01) and "non-match non-randomized"(43 percent, 10). The corresponding prediction vector begins with 1 (intercept), and followed by 0, 0, the dummy code for "Matched". The last two elements are 38 and 5, the values for duration and sevice_hrs.

  predict(object = robu_mod, pred.vector = c(1,0,0,38,5),level = 0.95)

If we do not know the value of duration, the prediction vector should be c(1,0,0,NA,5). predict.robu() will refit a new model without the covariate duration, and the prediction will be based on it.

  predict(object = robu_mod, pred.vector = c(1,0,0,NA,5),level = 0.95)


prediction the predicted value based on the prediction vector.

se The standard error for the predicted mean.

t The t-statistic calculated based on the predicted mean.

df The small sample corrected degrees of freedom of the distribution of the t-statistic.

lower The lower bound of the confidence interval for the predicted mean.

upper The upper bound of the confidence interval for the predicted mean.

[Package robumeta version 2.1 Index]