Robust Survey Statistics Estimation

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Documentation for package ‘robsurvey’ version 0.6

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robsurvey-package Package Overview
class_svyreg_rob Utility Functions for Objects of Class svyreg_rob
class_svystat_rob Utility Functions for Objects of Class svystat_rob
coef.medline Weighted Robust Line Fitting
coef.svyreg_rob Utility Functions for Objects of Class svyreg_rob
coef.svystat_rob Utility Functions for Objects of Class svystat_rob
counties Data on a Simple Random Sample of 100 Counties in the U.S.
fitted.medline Weighted Robust Line Fitting
fitted.svyreg_rob Utility Functions for Objects of Class svyreg_rob
fitted.svystat_rob Utility Functions for Objects of Class svystat_rob
flour Measurement of Copper Content in Wholemeal Flour
huber2 Weighted Huber Proposal 2 Estimator
huberWgt Weight Functions (for the M- and GM-Estimators)
losdata Length-of-Stay (LOS) Hospital Data
mer Minimum Estimated Risk (MER) M-Estimator
mse Utility Functions for Objects of Class svystat_rob
MU284pps PPS Sample From the MU284 Population
MU284strat Stratified Sample from the MU284 Population
plot.svyreg_rob Utility Functions for Objects of Class svyreg_rob
print.medline Weighted Robust Line Fitting
print.svyreg_rob Utility Functions for Objects of Class svyreg_rob
print.svystat_rob Utility Functions for Objects of Class svystat_rob
residuals.medline Weighted Robust Line Fitting
residuals.svyreg_rob Utility Functions for Objects of Class svyreg_rob
residuals.svystat_rob Utility Functions for Objects of Class svystat_rob
robsurvey Package Overview
robsurvey-deprecated Deprecated Functions in Package 'robsurvey'
robsvyreg Internal Function for the Regression GM-Estimator
robweights Utility Functions for Objects of Class svystat_rob
robweights.svyreg_rob Utility Functions for Objects of Class svyreg_rob
robweights.svystat_rob Utility Functions for Objects of Class svystat_rob
scale.svystat_rob Utility Functions for Objects of Class svystat_rob
SE.svyreg_rob Utility Functions for Objects of Class svyreg_rob
SE.svystat_rob Utility Functions for Objects of Class svystat_rob
simpsonWgt Weight Functions (for the M- and GM-Estimators)
summary.svyreg_rob Utility Functions for Objects of Class svyreg_rob
summary.svystat_rob Utility Functions for Objects of Class svystat_rob
svymean_dalen Dalen's Estimators of the Population Mean and Total
svymean_huber Weighted Huber and Tukey Mean and Total (M-Estimator) - Robust Horvitz-Thompson Estimator
svymean_k_winsorized Weighted Winsorized Mean and Total
svymean_ratio Robust Ratio Predictor of the Mean and Total
svymean_reg Robust Generalized Regression Predictor (GREG) of the Mean and Total
svymean_trimmed Weighted Trimmed Mean and Total
svymean_tukey Weighted Huber and Tukey Mean and Total (M-Estimator) - Robust Horvitz-Thompson Estimator
svymean_winsorized Weighted Winsorized Mean and Total
svyratio_huber Robust Survey Ratio M-Estimator
svyratio_tukey Robust Survey Ratio M-Estimator
svyreg Survey Regression Estimator - Weighted Least Squares
svyreg_control Internal Function for the Regression GM-Estimator
svyreg_huber Deprecated Huber Robust Survey Regression M-Estimator
svyreg_huberGM Huber Robust Survey Regression M- and GM-Estimator
svyreg_huberM Huber Robust Survey Regression M- and GM-Estimator
svyreg_rob Utility Functions for Objects of Class svyreg_rob
svyreg_tukey Deprecated Tukey Biweight Robust Survey Regression M-Estimator
svyreg_tukeyGM Tukey Biweight Robust Survey Regression M- and GM-Estimator
svyreg_tukeyM Tukey Biweight Robust Survey Regression M- and GM-Estimator
svystat_rob Utility Functions for Objects of Class svystat_rob
svysummary Weighted Five-Number Summary of a Variable
svytotal_dalen Dalen's Estimators of the Population Mean and Total
svytotal_huber Weighted Huber and Tukey Mean and Total (M-Estimator) - Robust Horvitz-Thompson Estimator
svytotal_k_winsorized Weighted Winsorized Mean and Total
svytotal_ratio Robust Ratio Predictor of the Mean and Total
svytotal_reg Robust Generalized Regression Predictor (GREG) of the Mean and Total
svytotal_trimmed Weighted Trimmed Mean and Total
svytotal_tukey Weighted Huber and Tukey Mean and Total (M-Estimator) - Robust Horvitz-Thompson Estimator
svytotal_winsorized Weighted Winsorized Mean and Total
tukeyWgt Weight Functions (for the M- and GM-Estimators)
vcov.svyreg_rob Utility Functions for Objects of Class svyreg_rob
vcov.svystat_rob Utility Functions for Objects of Class svystat_rob
weighted_IQR Weighted Interquartile Range (IQR)
weighted_line Weighted Robust Line Fitting
weighted_mad Weighted Median Absolute Deviation from the Median (MAD)
weighted_mean Weighted Total and Mean (Horvitz-Thompson and Hajek Estimators)
weighted_mean_dalen Dalen Estimators of the Mean and Total
weighted_mean_huber Weighted Huber and Tukey Mean and Total (bare-bone functions)
weighted_mean_k_winsorized Weighted Winsorized Mean and Total (bare-bone functions)
weighted_mean_trimmed Weighted Trimmed Mean and Total (bare-bone functions)
weighted_mean_tukey Weighted Huber and Tukey Mean and Total (bare-bone functions)
weighted_mean_winsorized Weighted Winsorized Mean and Total (bare-bone functions)
weighted_median Weighted Median
weighted_median_line Robust Simple Linear Regression Based on Medians
weighted_median_ratio Weighted Robust Ratio Estimator Based on Median
weighted_quantile Weighted Quantile
weighted_total Weighted Total and Mean (Horvitz-Thompson and Hajek Estimators)
weighted_total_dalen Dalen Estimators of the Mean and Total
weighted_total_huber Weighted Huber and Tukey Mean and Total (bare-bone functions)
weighted_total_k_winsorized Weighted Winsorized Mean and Total (bare-bone functions)
weighted_total_trimmed Weighted Trimmed Mean and Total (bare-bone functions)
weighted_total_tukey Weighted Huber and Tukey Mean and Total (bare-bone functions)
weighted_total_winsorized Weighted Winsorized Mean and Total (bare-bone functions)
workplace (Modified) Canadian Workplace and Employee Survey