robregcc_sp {robregcc} | R Documentation |
Robust model estimation approach for regression with compositional covariates.
Fit regression model with compositional covariates for a range of tuning parameter lambda. Model parameters is assumed to be sparse.
beta.init = NULL,
gamma.init = NULL,
cindex = 1,
control = list(),
penalty.index = 3,
alpha = 1,
verbose = TRUE
X |
predictor matrix |
y |
phenotype/response vector |
C |
conformable sub-compositional matrix |
beta.init |
initial value of model parameter beta |
gamma.init |
inital value of shift parameter gamma |
cindex |
index of control (not penalized) variable in the model |
control |
a list of internal parameters controlling the model fitting |
penalty.index |
a vector of length 2 specifying type of penalty for model parameter and shift parameter respectively. 1, 2, 3 corresponding to adaptive, soft and hard penalty |
alpha |
elastic net penalty |
verbose |
TRUE/FALSE for showing progress of the cross validation |
Method |
Type of penalty used |
betapath |
model parameter estimate along solution path |
gammapath |
shift parameter estimate along solution path |
lampath |
sequence of fitted lambda) |
k0 |
scaling factor |
cver |
error from k fold cross validation |
selInd |
selected index from minimum and 1se rule cross validation error |
beta0 |
beta estimate corresponding to selected index |
gamma0 |
mean shift estimate corresponding to selected index |
residual0 |
residual estimate corresponding to selected index |
inlier0 |
inlier index corresponding to selected index |
betaE |
Post selection estimate corresponding to selected index |
residualE |
post selection residual corresponding to selected index |
inlierE |
post selection inlier index corresponding to selected index |
Mishra, A., Mueller, C.,(2019) Robust regression with compositional covariates. In prepration. arXiv:1909.04990.
X <- simulate_robregcc$X;
y <- simulate_robregcc$y
C <- simulate_robregcc$C
n <- nrow(X); p <- ncol(X); k <- nrow(C)
Xt <- cbind(1,X) # accounting for intercept in predictor
C <- cbind(0,C) # accounting for intercept in constraint
bw <- c(0,rep(1,p)) # weight matrix to not penalize intercept
example_seed <- 2*p+1
# Breakdown point for tukey Bisquare loss function
b1 = 0.5 # 50% breakdown point
cc1 = 1.567 # corresponding model parameter
b1 = 0.25; cc1 = 2.937
# Initialization [PSC analysis for compositional data]
control <- robregcc_option(maxiter=1000,tol = 1e-4,lminfac = 1e-7)
fit.init <- cpsc_sp(Xt, y,alp = 0.4, cfac = 2, b1 = b1,
cc1 = cc1,C,bw,1,control)
## Robust model fitting
# control parameters
control <- robregcc_option()
beta.wt <- fit.init$betaR # Set weight for model parameter beta
beta.wt[1] <- 0
control$gamma = 1 # gamma for constructing weighted penalty
control$spb = 40/p # fraction of maximum non-zero model parameter beta
control$outMiter = 1000 # Outer loop iteration
control$inMiter = 3000 # Inner loop iteration
control$nlam = 50 # Number of tuning parameter lambda to be explored
control$lmaxfac = 1 # Parameter for constructing sequence of lambda
control$lminfac = 1e-8 # Parameter for constructing sequence of lambda
control$tol = 1e-20; # tolrence parameter for converging [inner loop]
control$out.tol = 1e-16 # tolerence parameter for convergence [outer loop]
control$kfold = 10 # number of fold of crossvalidation
control$sigmafac = 2#1.345
# Robust regression using adaptive lasso penalty
fit.ada <- robregcc_sp(Xt,y,C,
beta.init = beta.wt, cindex = 1,
gamma.init = fit.init$residuals,
control = control,
penalty.index = 1, alpha = 0.95)
# Robust regression using lasso penalty [Huber equivalent]
fit.soft <- robregcc_sp(Xt,y,C, cindex = 1,
control = control, penalty.index = 2,
alpha = 0.95)
# Robust regression using hard thresholding penalty
control$lmaxfac = 1e2 # Parameter for constructing sequence of lambda
control$lminfac = 1e-3 # Parameter for constructing sequence of lambda
control$sigmafac = 2#1.345
fit.hard <- robregcc_sp(Xt,y,C, beta.init = fit.init$betaf,
gamma.init = fit.init$residuals,
cindex = 1,
control = control, penalty.index = 3,
alpha = 0.95)