roboBayes {roboBayes}R Documentation

roboBayes: Robust Online Bayesian Monitoring


The primary function for Robust Online Bayesian Monitoring (roboBayes). Performs roboBayes on the response data regressed on the input covariates, which should account for nonstationarity in the response between changepoints. The algorithm outputs changepoints based on a threshold, a roboBayes object incorporating data thus far, and algorithm settings. A roboBayes object can be updated with new data by including it in a successive roboBayes() function call.


  RoboBayes = NULL,
  lambda = 1000,
  par_inits = NULL,
  truncRthresh = 1e-04,
  truncRmin = 100L,
  cpthresh = 0.8,
  cptimemin = 4L,
  Lgroup = 3L,
  Lsearch = 10L,
  Lwindow = 30L,
  Lm = 7L,
  alpha = 0.9,
  kt = 0L,
  pc = 0.5,
  cp_delay = 3L,
  outlier_mean = rep(x = 0.5, times = ncol(x = datapts)),
  outlier_var = diag(x = 2, nrow = ncol(x = datapts)),
  getR = FALSE,
  getOutliers = TRUE,
  getModels = FALSE



A matrix object (n x d). The observations for n time points. There are methods in place to attempt to convert non-matrix input (data.frame, numeric) to a matrix. If a numeric vector is provided, it is assumed that d = 1.


A matrix object (n x k). The covariates for n time points. If any covariates depend on the run length (kt > 0), these covariates must be provided in the last kt columns of the input matrix. There are methods in place to attempt to convert non-matrix input (data.frame, numeric) to a matrix. If a numeric vector is provided, it is assumed that k = 1.


A value object returned by a prior roboBayes() analysis or NULL. If NULL, the analysis is taken to be the first step, and all analysis settings (inputs after the ellipsis) can be adjusted. For all subsequent steps, RoboBayes is the value object of the preceding step and analysis settings are taken from that object – any analysis setting inputs provided for continuation steps are ignored.


Ignored. Included only to require named inputs. If RoboBayes is an object of class RoboBayes, all inputs after the ellipsis are ignored.


A numeric object. The prior probability of a changepoint occurring at any time point.


A list object. The initial estimates for the hyperparameters. The list can contain one or more of the following:

  • B: A (k x d) matrix. The location parameter of the matrix Normal. The default is a zero matrix.

  • V: A (d x d) matrix. The scale matrix of the Inverse Wishart. The default is a symmetric matrix with 1.0 on the diagonal and 0.1 in the off-diagonal elements.

  • nu: A scalar. The degrees of freedom of the Inverse Wishart. The default is (d - 0.9).

  • Lambda: A (k x k) matrix. The scale parameter of the matrix Normal. The default is a diagonal matrix of 0.01.


A scalar object. A probability threshold used to limit the size of the data used at each time step. Once t > truncRmin, run lengths associated with data points from times less than t-truncRmin for which the probability < truncRthresh are removed


An integer object. The minimum number of time points maintained before data truncation methods are utilized.


A numeric vector object. One or more changepoints.


An integer object. Minimum time at which updated change points can be ascertained.


An integer object. The size of the moving window used to aggregate run length probabilities during the initial coarse search for the presence of a changepoint.


An integer object. The number of run length probabilities to aggregate for calculating the probability of "recent" change.


An integer object. The number of points in the window to scan for the most recent changepoint. Changes further back than Lwindow + cp_delay will not be recorded.


An integer object. The number of data points to store in memory for outlier elimination. A change recorded more than Lm points previously will not be examined for being an outlier. When getModels is TRUE, Lm is automatically set to Lwindow + cp_delay + 1 to ensure that model parameters associated with detected changepoints can be recovered.


A scalar object. The probability threshold for declaring a point an outlier.


An integer object. The number of covariates that depend on run length.


A scalar object. The prior probability of the model without an outlier being the correct model, given that a candidate change/outlier has been detected.


An integer object. The minimum number of points that must be observed after the change to declare a changepoint.


A numeric vector (d). The mean value for the distribution of outlier values.


A matrix object (d x d). The covariance matrix for the distribution of outlier values.


A logical object. If TRUE, the matrix of probabilities is returned. Warning – selecting TRUE will increase computation time, and for large analyses, may exceed available memory.


A logical object. Detect outliers. If TRUE, the matrix of probabilities used for outlier elimination are returned. Selecting TRUE will increase computation time.


A logical object. If TRUE, the model parameters of each changepoint are returned, as well as the matrix of probabilities used for outlier elimination. When TRUE, parameter Lm is set to Lwindow + cp_delay + 1, regardless of that provided as input.


All inputs after the ellipsis are analysis settings that can only be set in the initial step of the roboBayes procedure. In the first step, input roboBayes must be NULL. All subsequent steps of the procedure must provide, through input roboBayes, the value object returned by the previous step.

Analysis parameters must obey the following conditions:


A RoboBayes object, which extends list and contains

Conditionally returned elements include:

If getR = TRUE

If getOutliers = TRUE

If getModels = TRUE


nt <- 100

## 2 covariates each time step

x <- cbind(rep(1,nt), rnorm(nt))

## 2 observations each time step

# covariance matrix
sigma <- matrix(data = -0.3, nrow = 2, ncol = 2)
diag(sigma) <- 1.0

# mean
mean1 <- c(0.5, 0.1)
mean2 <- c(0.2, 0.2)

y <- rbind(mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n = nt/2, mean = mean1, sigma = 0.001*sigma),
           mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n = nt/2, mean = mean2, sigma = 0.001*sigma))

# add in an outlier
y[30,] <- c(0.9,0.01)
y[y < 0.0] <- 0.0

step1 <- roboBayes(datapts = y[1:32,], covariates = x[1:32,])

step2 <- roboBayes(datapts = y[33:64,], covariates = x[33:64,], RoboBayes = step1)

step3 <- roboBayes(datapts = y[65:94,], covariates = x[65:94,], RoboBayes = step2)

step4 <- roboBayes(datapts = y[95:100,], covariates = x[95:100,], RoboBayes = step3)

[Package roboBayes version 1.2 Index]