area |
Fetch a list of areas |
checklist |
Create a checklist. |
dataset |
Create a list of datasets. |
dna_records |
Extract DNA records from occurrence data with a dna column. |
generate_citation |
Generate a citation from metadata elements. |
get_geometry |
Get a WKT geometry by drawing on a map. |
map_ggplot |
Create a ggplot2 map. |
map_leaflet |
Create a leaflet map. |
measurements |
Extract measurements or facts from occurrence data with a mof column. |
node |
Fetch a list of nodes |
occurrence |
Find occurrences. |
robis |
R client for the OBIS API |
taxon |
Get taxon by taxon ID. |
unnest_extension |
Extract extension records from occurrence data with nested extension column. |