R Functions for Robust Statistics

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Documentation for package ‘robeth’ version 2.7-8

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A B C D E F G H I K L M N P Q R S T U V W X Z misc

robeth-package Interface for the FORTRAN programs developed at the ETH-Zuerich and then at IUMSP-Lausanne

-- A --

addc Adds a column vector to a transformed design matrix and updates its QR-decomposition
airef0 Asymptotic relative efficiency of a general M-estimate for a model with mu quantitative covariates with or without a constant term
airefq Asymptotic relative efficiency of a general M-estimate for a model with mu quantitative and nu qualitative covariates

-- B --

binprd Binomial probability distribution

-- C --

cerf Complemented error function (single precision)
cerfd Complemented error function (double precision)
cfrcov Computation of fC.fC.inv(AT A) for a given matrix A and scale factor fC
Chi Chi weight function for location and regression
chi Chi weight function for location and regression
chisq Cumulative Chi-square distribution function
cia2b2 Determination of the parameters a2 and b2 of the Huber weight function from the proportion eps of contamination
cibeat Determination of the parameter d of the Huber weight function
cicloc Determination of the parameter c of the Huber weight function from the proportion eps of contamination
cifact Determination of the correction factor for the M-estimate based on Huber weight function
cimedv Initial values for the iterative algorithms implemented in CYFALG, CYNALG, and CYGALG
cirock Initial values for the Rocke estimates of covariance
comval Gives the current values ofthe parameters of the ROBETH subroutine common blocks
cquant Inverse of the cumulative Chi2-distribution function
cyfalg Fixed-point algorithm for the computation of an M-estimate of multivariate location and scatter
cygalg Conjugate gradient algorithm for the computation of an M-estimate of multivariate location and scatter
cynalg Newton-type algorithm for the computation of an M-estimate of multivariate location and scatter

-- D --

Dbinom Diagonal matrix D for the binomial case in discrete GLM
dfcomn Assigns values to the ROBETH parameters included in common blocks
dfrpar Sets default parameters for regression estimates
dfvals Provide default values for most scalar parameters used by the Robeth subroutines
dotp Forms the scalar (dot) product of two vectors
dotpd Forms the scalar (dot) product of two vectors (double precision)
dpoiss Diagonal matrix D for the Poisson case in discrete GLM

-- E --

exch Exchanges two columns of a symmetric matrix
exchd Exchanges two columns of a symmetric matrix (double precision)

-- F --

fcum Cumulative F-distribution function
Fn.Exp.f Parametric estimate of survival cdf
fstord Determination of the j-th order statistic

-- G --

gauss Cumulative Gaussian distribution function
gaussd Cumulative Gaussian distribution function (double precision)
gfedca Diagonal matrices D_G and E_G
gintac Initial values of theta, A and c_i,...,c_n
glmdev The total deviance of the fitted generalizrd linear model
gyastp Fixed-point algorithm for the A-step
gycstp Newton-type algorithm for the c-step
gymain Main algorithm
gytstp Newton-type algorithm for the theta-step

-- H --

h12 Constructs and/or applies a single elementary Householder transformation
h12d Constructs and/or applies a single elementary Householder transformation (double precision)
hylmse Resampling algorithm for the computation of the LMS estimate
hyltse Resampling algorithm for the computation of the LTS estimate
hysest Resampling algorithm for the computation of S-estimates
hysestw Resampling algorithm for the computation of weighted S-estimates

-- I --

ingama Incomplete Gamma-integral function

-- K --

kfascv Backtransformation of the covariance matrix of the coefficient estimates
kfedcb Diagonal hat matrices D_M, E_M, D_S, and E_S
kfedcc Diagonal 'check' matrices D_M, E_M, D_S, and E_S
kffacv Correction factor f_H for the covariance matrix of a Huber-type estimate
kiascv Covariance matrix of the coefficient estimates of the form f.inv(XT X) in the transformed coordinate system
kiedch Diagonal matrices D_M, E_M, D_S, E_S when psi is the Huber function
kiedcu Diagonal matrices D_M, E_M, D_S, E_S when psi is a user-supplied function
ktaskv Covariance matrix of the coefficient estimates of the form f.inv(XT X)
ktaskw Covariance matrix of the coefficient estimates of the form f.inv(S1) S2 inv(S1)

-- L --

lgama Logarithm at the Gamma-function at the point x
libet0 Computation of Beta0 = Phi_inv(0.75)
libeth Computation of Int Chi(s) dPhi(s) when Chi=Psi.Psi/2 and Psi is the Huber function
libetu Computation of Int Chi(s) dPhi(s) when Chi is a user-supplied function
liclls Classical estimates of mean and standard deviation
liepsh Computation of Int Psi(s).Psi(s) dPhi(s) and Int Psi'(s) dPhi(s) when Psi is the Huber function
liepsu Computation of Int Psi(s).Psi(s) dPhi(s) and Int Psi'(s) dPhi(s) when Psi is a user-supplied external function
liindh Inverts the approximate null distribution of the one-sample Wilcoxon test statistic
liinds Inverts the approximate null distribution of the sign test statistic
liindw Inverts the approximate null distribution of the Mann-Whitney test statistic
lilars Median an median absolute deviation
littst t-test for the shift parameter
lmdd Median and median absolute deviation
lrfctd Computation of Li, li and lip
lyhalg M-estimate of location with simultaneous estimation of scale
lyhdle Hodges-Lehman estimate and confidence intervals for the center of symmetry based on the one-sample Wilcoxon test
lymnwt Nonparametric estimate and confidence intervals for the shift parameter based on the Mann-Whitney test statistic
lytau2 tau-test for the shift parameter
lywalg W-algorithm for M-estimate of location

-- M --

mchl Cholesky decomposition of a symmetric matrix
mchld Cholesky decomposition of a symmetric matrix (double precision)
messagena Print a message when a required argument is missing
mff Multiplies a full matrix by a full matrix
mffd Multiplies a full matrix by a full matrix (double precision)
mfragr Generation and comparison of all regressions on subsets of covariates
mfy Multiplies a full matrix by a vector
mfyd Multiplies a full matrix by a vector (double precision)
mhat Computes the diagonal elements of the hat matrix
minv Inverts a triangular matrix
minvd Inverts a triangular matrix (double precision)
mirtsr Computation of (robust) t-statistics for t-directed search
mly Multiplies a lower-triangular matrix by a vector
mlyd Multiplies a lower-triangular matrix by a vector (double precision)
msf Multiplies a symmetric matrix by a full matrix
msf1 Multiplies a symmetric matrix by a full matrix when the result is a symmetric matrix
msf1d Multiplies a symmetric matrix by a full matrix when the result is a symmetric matrix
msfd Multiplies a symmetric matrix by a full matrix (double precision)
mss Multiplies a symmetric matrix by a symmetric matrix
mssd Multiplies a symmetric matrix by a symmetric matrix (double precision)
mtt1 Multiplies an upper-triangular matrix by its transpose
mtt1d Multiplies an upper-triangular matrix by its transpose (double precision)
mtt2 Multiplies a lower-triangular matrix by its transpose
mtt2d Multiplies a lower-triangular matrix by its transpose (double precision)
mtt3 Multiplies a triangular matrix by a triangular matrix
mtt3d Multiplies a triangular matrix by a triangular matrix (double precision)
mty Multiplies an upper-triangular matrix by a vector
mtyd Multiplies an upper-triangular matrix by a vector
myhbhe High breakdown point and high efficiency regression with test for bias
mymvlm Simultaneous computation of the MVE and LMS estimates

-- N --

nlgm Logarithm of the Gamma-function at the point n/2
nrm2 Forms the Euclidean norm of a vector
nrm2d Forms the Euclidean norm of a vector (double precision)

-- P --

permc Permutes the columns of a matrix by means of transpositions
permv Permutes the elements of a vector
poissn Poisson distribution
precd Algorithmic determination of the smallest double precision positive number x
precs Algorithmic determination of the smallest double precision positive number x
probst Cumulative t-distribution function
Psi psi weight function for location and regression
psi psi weight function for location and regression
Psp psi' weight function for location and regression
psp psi' weight function for location and regression

-- Q --

QD2coef.f Auxiliary function to find mu and sigma parameter for extended loggamma distribution
QD2funC.f Auxiliary function to find lambda parameter for extended loggamma distribution
Qn.Exp.f Auxiliary function to compute quantiles of survival cdf
quant Inverse of the standard Gaussian cumulative distribution function

-- R --

Random Uniform random number generator
Regtau.f Auxiliary function for the computation of QQopt
RegtauW.f Auxiliary function for the computation of QQopt
Rho Rho weight function for location and regression
rho rho weight function for location and regression
ribet0 Computation of the constant Beta0
ribeth Computation of the constant Beta when Chi=Psi.Psi/2 and Psi is the Huber function
ribetu Computation of the constant Beta when Chi is a user-supplied function
riclls Solution of the least squares problem
rilars Solution of the least absolute residual problem
rimtrd Double precision version of RIMTRF
rimtrf Upper triangularization (QR-decomposition) of the design matrix and determination of its pseudorank
rmvc Removes a column from a transformed design matrix and updates its QR-decomposition
robeth Interface for the FORTRAN programs developed at the ETH-Zuerich and then at IUMSP-Lausanne
ruben Cumulative distribution and density function of a linear combination of chi-2 random variables
rybifr Bounded influence regression
ryhalg H-algorithm for M-estimates
rynalg Newton algorithm with adaptive steps for M-estimates
rysalg S-algorithm for M-estimates
rysigm Iterative algorithm for the computation of an M-estimate of the scale parameter when the residuals are given
rywalg W-algorithm for M-estimates

-- S --

scal Scales a vector by a constant
scald Scales a double precision vector by a constant
srt1 Sorts the components of a vector in ascending order
srt2 Sorts the components of a vector in ascending order and permutes the components of another vector accordingly
swap Interchanges two vectors
swapd Interchanges two vectors (double precision)

-- T --

tauare Asymptotic relative efficiency of the tau-test
tfrn2t Computes the Rn2-test statistic for a linear hypothesis in canonical form
tftaut Computes the tau-test statistic for a linear hypothesis in canonical form
tisrtc Permutes the columns of the design matrix: Predictors in omega are placed in the first q positions
to.character Convert local variable to Fortran character
to.double Convert local variable to Fortran double precision
to.integer Convert local variable to Fortran integer
to.single Convert local variable to Fortran single precision
tquant Inverse of the cumulative t-distribution function
ttaskt Computes the matrix Ktau
tteign Computes the eigenvalues of the matrix Ktau

-- U --

Ucv u weight function for covariances
ucv u weight function for covariances
ugl ub weight function for M-estimates in GLM
Upcv u' weight function for covariances
upcv u' weight function for covariances
userfd Dummy u user function (double precision)
userfs Dummy u user function

-- V --

vcv v weight function for covariances
vpcv v' weight function for covariances

-- W --

Wcv w weight function for covariances
wcv v weight function for covariances
wfshat Schweppe original weight proposal
wimedv Initial value of the matrix A
Wpcv w' weight function for covariances
wpcv w' weight function for covariances
Www w weight function for covariances
www w weight function
wyfalg Fixed-point algorithm for the computation of the matrix A
wyfcol Modified fixed-point algorithm for collinear data in the standardized case
wygalg Conjugate gradient algorithm for the computation of the lower-triangular matrix A in the standardized case
wynalg Newton-Huber algorithm for the computation of the lower-triangular matrix A in the standardized case

-- X --

xerf Gaussian density function
xerp Density of the norm of a standard Gaussian vector with p components
xsy Evaluates a quadratic form
xsyd Evaluates a quadratic form (double precision)

-- Z --

zemll Zeng method for censored data

-- misc --

.dFvGet Provide the current values of the scalar parameters used by the Robeth subroutines
.dFvPut Set the current values of the scalar parameters used by the Robeth subroutines