warp {roahd}R Documentation

Warp elements of a univariate functional dataset


This function carries out the warping of elements of a univariate functional dataset by using a set of pre-computed warping functions.


warp(fData, warpings)



the functional dataset whose observations must be warped in form of fData object.


the warping functions H1,,HNH_1, \ldots, H_N, in form of fData object, defined over the registered/warped grid.


Given a univariate functional dataset X1(t),,XN(t)X_1(t), \ldots, X_N(t) and a set of warping functions H1(t),,HN(t)H_1(t), \ldots, H_N(t), such that:

Hi:st=Hi(s),i=1,,N, H_i : s \longrightarrow t = H_i(s), \quad \forall i = 1, \ldots, N,

where ss spans the warped (or registered) grid and tt spans the original grid, the function computes the warping given by the following composition:

X1H1(t),,XNHN(t). X_1 \circ H_1(t), \ldots, X_N \circ H_N(t).


The function returns the univariate functional dataset of warped functions, in form of fData object.

See Also



set.seed( 1618033 )

N = 30

t0 = 0
t1 = 1
P = 1e3 + 1

time_grid = seq( t0, t1, length.out = P )

means = round( runif( N,
                      t0 + (t1 - t0) / 8,
                      t1 - (t1 - t0) / 8  ), 3 )

Data = matrix( sapply( means,
                       function( m )( dnorm( time_grid, mean = m, sd = 0.05 ) ) ),
               ncol = P, nrow = N, byrow = TRUE )

fD = fData( time_grid, Data )

# Piecewise linear warpings
template_warping = function( m )( c( time_grid[ time_grid <= 0.5 ] * m / 0.5,
                                     ( time_grid[ time_grid > 0.5 ]
                                       - 0.5 ) * (1 - m ) / 0.5 + m ) )

warpings = matrix( sapply( means, template_warping ),
                   ncol = P,
                   nrow = N, byrow = TRUE )

wfD = fData( time_grid, warpings )

fD_warped = warp( fD, wfD )

oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
par(mfrow = c(1, 3))

plot( fD,
     main = 'Unregistered functions', xlab = 'actual grid', ylab = 'values'  )
plot( wfD,
     main = 'Warping functions', xlab = 'registered grid',
     ylab = 'actual grid' )
plot( fD_warped,
     main = 'Warped functions', xlab = 'registered grid',
     ylab = 'values' )


[Package roahd version 1.4.3 Index]