area_under_curve {roahd}R Documentation

Area under curve of elements of univariate functional data


This method computes the (signed) area under the curve of elements of a univariate functional dataset, namely, their integral.





the functional dataset containing elements whose areas under the curve have to be computed, in form of fData object.


Given a univariate functional dataset, X1(t),X2(t),,XN(t)X_1(t), X_2(t), \ldots, X_N(t), defined over a compact interval I=[a,b]I=[a,b] and observed on an evenly spaced 1D grid [a=t0,t1,,tP1=b]I[a = t_0, t_1, \ldots, t_{P-1} = b] \subset I, the function computes:

i=1P2X(ti+1)X(ti1)2habX(t)dt, \sum_{i=1}^{P-2} \frac{X(t_{i+1}) - X(t_{i-1})}{2} h \approx \int_a^b X(t) dt,

where h=t1t0h = t_1 - t_0.


The function returns a numeric vector containing the values of areas under the curve for all the elements of the functional dataset fData.

See Also

area_ordered, fData


P = 1e3
grid = seq( 0, 1, length.out = P )

fD = fData( grid,
            matrix( c( sin( 2 * pi * grid ),
                       cos( 2 * pi * grid ),
                       4 * grid * ( 1 - grid ) ),
                    nrow = 3, ncol = P, byrow = TRUE ) )
plot( fD )

area_under_curve( fD )

[Package roahd version 1.4.3 Index]