rasterToLineSegments {roads}R Documentation

Convert raster to lines


Converts rasters that represent lines into an sf object.


rasterToLineSegments(rast, method = "mst")



SpatRaster. Raster representing lines all values > 0 are assumed to be lines


character. Method of building lines. Options are "mst" (default) or "nearest". See Details below.


For method = "nearest" raster is first converted to points and then lines are drawn between the nearest points. If there are two different ways to connect the points that have the same distance both are kept which can cause doubled lines. USE WITH CAUTION. method = "mst" converts the raster to points, reclassifies the raster so roads are 0 and other cells are 1 and then uses projectRoads to connect all the points with a minimum spanning tree. This will always connect all raster cells and is slower but will not double lines as often. Neither method is likely to work for very large rasters


an sf simple feature collection


CLUSexample <- prepExData(CLUSexample)
# works well for very simple roads
roadLine1 <- rasterToLineSegments(CLUSexample$roads)

# longer running more realistic examples

demoScen <- prepExData(demoScen)
# mst method works well in this case
roadLine2 <- rasterToLineSegments(demoScen[[1]]$road.rast)

# nearest method has doubled line where the two roads meet
roadLine3 <- rasterToLineSegments(demoScen[[1]]$road.rast, method = "nearest")

# The mst method can also produce odd results in some cases
roadLine4 <- rasterToLineSegments(demoScen[[4]]$road.rast)

[Package roads version 1.2.0 Index]