intervalplot_panel_ume {rnmamod}R Documentation

A panel of interval plots for the unrelated mean effects model


Creates a panel of interval plots on the summary effect sizes under the consistency model and the unrelated mean effects model. The number of interval plots equals the number of pairwise comparisons observed in the network.


intervalplot_panel_ume(full, ume, drug_names)



An object of S3 class run_model. See 'Value' in run_model.


An object of S3 class run_ume. See 'Value' in run_ume.


A vector of labels with the name of the interventions in the order they appear in the argument data of run_model. If the argument drug_names is not defined, the order of the interventions as they appear in data is used, instead.


intervalplot_panel_ume is integrated in the ume_plot function. The consistency model and the unrelated mean effects model are abbreviated in the y-axis as 'NMA model' and 'UME model', respectively. The intervals are highlighted with green, when the corresponding summary effect sizes do not cross the vertical line of no difference, and red otherwise. Grey panels refer to the frail comparisons as detected by the improved_ume function (see 'Details' in improved_ume).

For a binary outcome, when measure is "RR" (relative risk) or "RD" (risk difference) in run_model, intervalplot_panel_ume currently presents the results in the odds ratio scale.


A panel of interval plots on the posterior mean and 95% credible interval of the summary effect size under the consistency model and the improved unrelated mean effects model (Spineli, 2021) of all pairwise comparisons observed in the network.


Loukia M. Spineli


Spineli LM. A revised framework to evaluate the consistency assumption globally in a network of interventions. Med Decis Making 2021. doi: 10.1177/0272989X211068005

See Also

improved_ume run_model, run_ume, ume_plot

[Package rnmamod version 0.4.0 Index]