XML-RPC Interface to NEOS

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Documentation for package ‘rneos’ version 0.4-0

Help Pages

$-method Create an instance of an XMLRPCServer object
CreateNeosComm Creating an object for communications with NEOS
CreateXmlString Inserting CDATA into XML-templates of NEOS
NemailHelp XML-RPC method emailHelp of Neos
NeosAns-class Class "NeosAns"
NeosComm-class Class "NeosComm"
NeosJob-class Class "NeosJob"
NeosOff-class Class "NeosOff"
NeosXml-class Class "NeosXml"
NgetFinalResults XML-RPC method getFinalResults of Neos
NgetFinalResultsNonBlocking XML-RPC method getFinalResultsNonBlocking of Neos
NgetIntermediateResults XML-RPC method getIntermediateResults of Neos
NgetIntermediateResultsNonBlocking XML-RPC method getIntermediateResultsNonBlocking of Neos
NgetJobInfo XML-RPC method getJobInfo of Neos
NgetJobStatus XML-RPC method getJobStatus of Neos
NgetSolverTemplate XML-RPC method getSolverTemplate of Neos
Nhelp XML-RPC method help of Neos
NkillJob XML-RPC method killJob of Neos
NlistAllSolvers XML-RPC method listAllSolvers of Neos
NlistCategories XML-RPC method listCategories of Neos
NlistSolversInCategory XML-RPC method listSolversInCategory of Neos
Nping XML-RPC method ping of Neos
NprintQueue XML-RPC method printQueue of Neos
NsubmitJob XML-RPC method submitJob of Neos
Nversion XML-RPC method version of Neos
Nwelcome XML-RPC method welcome of Neos
rpc.serialize Serialize R objects to XML-RPC format
rpc.serialize-method Serialize R objects to XML-RPC format
show-method Class "NeosAns"
show-method Class "NeosJob"
show-method Class "NeosOff"
show-method Class "NeosXml"
update-method Class "NeosOff"
xml.rpc Invoke XML-RPC method from R
XMLRPCServer Create an instance of an XMLRPCServer object
XMLRPCServer-class Create an instance of an XMLRPCServer object
XMLRPCServerConnection-class Create an instance of an XMLRPCServer object