rncl {rncl}R Documentation

rncl: An R interface to the NEXUS Class Library


rncl provides an interface to the NEXUS Class Library (NCL), a C++ library intended to parse valid NEXUS files as well as other common formats used in phylogenetic analysis. Currently, rncl focuses on parsing trees and supports both NEXUS and Newick formatted files. Because NCL is used by several phylogenetic software (e.g., MrBayes, Garli), rncl can parse files generated by these programs. However, other popular programs (including BEAST) use an extension of the NEXUS file format, and if trees can be imported, associated annotations (e.g., confidence intervals on the time since divergence) cannot.

Returns a list of the elements contained in a NEXUS file used to build phylogenetic objects in R


  file.format = c("nexus", "newick"),
  spacesAsUnderscores = TRUE,
  char.all = TRUE,
  polymorphic.convert = TRUE,
  levels.uniform = TRUE,
  show_progress = TRUE,



path to a NEXUS or Newick file


a character string indicating the type of file to be parsed.


In the NEXUS file format white spaces are not allowed and are represented by underscores. Therefore, NCL converts underscores found in taxon labels in the NEXUS file into white spaces (e.g. species_1 will become "species 1"). If you want to preserve the underscores, set as TRUE (default). This option affects taxon labels, character labels and state labels.


If TRUE (default), returns all characters, even those excluded in the NEXUS file (only when NEXUS file contains DATA block).


If TRUE (default), converts polymorphic characters to missing data (only when NEXUS file contains DATA block).


If TRUE (default), uses the same levels for all characters (only when NEXUS file contains DATA block).


If TRUE (default)), a progress bar is displayed during the possibly time consuming step of removing the singletons from the tree.


additional parameters (currently not in use).


NCL can also parse data associated with species included in NEXUS files. If you are interested in importing such data, see the phylobase package.

NEXUS is a common file format used in phylogenetics to represent phylogenetic trees, and other types of phylogenetic data. This function uses NCL (the NEXUS Class Library) to parse NEXUS, Newick or other common phylogenetic file formats, and returns the relevant elements as a list. phylo (from the ape package) or phylo4 (from the phylobase package) can be constructed from the elements contained in this list.


A list that contains the elements extracted from a NEXUS or a Newick file.


Francois Michonneau


Maddison DR, Swofford DL, Maddison WP (1997). "NEXUS: An extensible file format for systematic information". Systematic Biology 46(4) : 590-621. doi: doi:10.1093/sysbio/46.4.590

Lewis, P. O. 2003. NCL: a C++ class library for interpreting data files in NEXUS format. Bioinformatics 19 (17) : 2330-2331.

See Also

For examples on how to use the elements of the list returned by this function to build tree objects, inspect the source code of this package, in particular how read_newick_phylo and read_nexus_phylo work. For a more complex example that also use the data contained in NEXUS files, inspect the source code of the readNCL function in the phylobase package.

[Package rncl version 0.8.7 Index]