Wrapper for MUMPS Library

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Documentation for package ‘rmumps’ version 5.2.1-29

Help Pages

rmumps-package Rcpp port of MUMPS library for LU or LDL^t factorization of sparse matrices
determinant.Rcpp_Rmumps Rcpp Exported Class Wrapping MUMPS library
dim.Rcpp_Rmumps Rcpp Exported Class Wrapping MUMPS library
ncol.Rcpp_Rmumps Rcpp Exported Class Wrapping MUMPS library
nrow.Rcpp_Rmumps Rcpp Exported Class Wrapping MUMPS library
print.Rcpp_Rmumps Rcpp Exported Class Wrapping MUMPS library
Rcpp_Rmumps-class Rcpp Exported Class Wrapping MUMPS library
Rmumps Rcpp Exported Class Wrapping MUMPS library
rmumps Rcpp port of MUMPS library for LU or LDL^t factorization of sparse matrices
RMUMPS_PERM Exported Constants
RMUMPS_PERM_AMD Exported Constants
RMUMPS_PERM_AMF Exported Constants
RMUMPS_PERM_AUTO Exported Constants
RMUMPS_PERM_METIS Exported Constants
RMUMPS_PERM_PORD Exported Constants
RMUMPS_PERM_QAMD Exported Constants
RMUMPS_PERM_SCOTCH Exported Constants
Rmumps__del_ptr Delete via Pointer
Rmumps__get_permutation Get Permutation Parameter
Rmumps__ptr_ijv Construct via Triplet Pointers
Rmumps__set_mat_ptr Set Matrix via Pointer
Rmumps__set_permutation Set Permutation Parameter
Rmumps__solveptr Solve via Pointer
Rmumps__triplet Explore via Triplet
show.Rcpp_Rmumps Rcpp Exported Class Wrapping MUMPS library
solve.Rcpp_Rmumps Rcpp Exported Class Wrapping MUMPS library
solvet Rcpp Exported Class Wrapping MUMPS library
solvet.Rcpp_Rmumps Rcpp Exported Class Wrapping MUMPS library