bj {rms} | R Documentation |
Buckley-James Multiple Regression Model
fits the Buckley-James distribution-free least squares multiple
regression model to a possibly right-censored response variable.
This model reduces to ordinary least squares if
there is no censoring. By default, model fitting is done after
taking logs of the response variable.
uses the rms
for automatic anova
, fastbw
, validate
, Function
, nomogram
, plot
, bootcov
, and other functions. The bootcov
function may be worth using with bj
fits, as the properties of the
Buckley-James covariance matrix estimator are not fully known for
strange censoring patterns.
For the print
method, format of output is controlled by the
user previously running options(prType="lang")
is "plain"
(the default), "latex"
, or
. When using html with Quarto or RMarkdown,
need not be written in the chunk header.
function exists mainly to compute
residuals and to censor them (i.e., return them as
objects) just as the original
failure time variable was censored. These residuals are useful for
checking to see if the model also satisfies certain distributional assumptions.
To get these residuals, the fit must have specified y=TRUE
The bjplot
function is a special plotting function for objects
created by bj
with x=TRUE, y=TRUE
in effect. It produces three
scatterplots for every covariate in the model: the first plots the
original situation, where censored data are distingushed from
non-censored data by a different plotting symbol. In the second plot,
called a renovated plot, vertical lines show how censored data were
changed by the procedure, and the third is equal to the second, but
without vertical lines. Imputed data are again distinguished from the
non-censored by a different symbol.
The validate
method for bj
validates the Somers' Dxy
correlation between predicted and observed responses, accounting for censoring.
The primary fitting function for bj
, which does not
allow missing data and expects a full design matrix as input.
bj(formula, data=environment(formula), subset, na.action=na.delete,
link="log", control, method='fit', x=FALSE, y=FALSE,
## S3 method for class 'bj'
print(x, digits=4, long=FALSE, coefs=TRUE,
title="Buckley-James Censored Data Regression", ...)
## S3 method for class 'bj'
residuals(object, type=c("censored","censored.normalized"),...)
bjplot(fit, which=1:dim(X)[[2]])
## S3 method for class 'bj'
validate(fit, method="boot", B=40,
force=NULL, estimates=TRUE, pr=FALSE,
tol=1e-7, rel.tolerance=1e-3, maxiter=15, ...), y, control)
formula |
an S statistical model formula. Interactions up to third order are
supported. The left hand side must be a |
data , subset , na.action |
the usual statistical model fitting arguments |
fit |
a fit created by |
x |
a design matrix with or without a first column of ones, to pass
to |
y |
a |
link |
set to, for example, |
control |
a list containing any or all of the following components: |
method |
set to | |
setting for default time spacing.
Default is 30 if time variable has |
digits |
number of significant digits to print if not 4. |
long |
set to |
coefs |
specify |
title |
a character string title to be passed to |
object |
the result of |
type |
type of residual desired. Default is censored unnormalized residuals,
defined as link(Y) - linear.predictors, where the
link function was usually the log function. You can specify
which |
vector of integers or character strings naming elements of the design
matrix (the names of the original predictors if they entered the model
linearly) for which to have |
B , bw , rule , sls , aics , force , estimates , pr , tol , rel.tolerance , maxiter |
... |
ignored for |
The program implements the algorithm as described in the original article by Buckley & James. Also, we have used the original Buckley & James prescription for computing variance/covariance estimator. This is based on non-censored observations only and does not have any theoretical justification, but has been shown in simulation studies to behave well. Our experience confirms this view. Convergence is rather slow with this method, so you may want to increase the number of iterations. Our experience shows that often, in particular with high censoring, 100 iterations is not too many. Sometimes the method will not converge, but will instead enter a loop of repeating values (this is due to the discrete nature of Kaplan and Meier estimator and usually happens with small sample sizes). The program will look for such a loop and return the average betas. It will also issue a warning message and give the size of the cycle (usually less than 6).
returns a fit object with similar information to what survreg
, cph
would store as
well as what rms
stores and units
returns a Surv
object. One of the components of the
object produced by bj
) is a vector called
which contains the following names elements:
"Obs", "Events", "d.f.","error d.f.","sigma","g"
. Here
is the estimate of the residual standard deviation.
is the g
-index. If the link function is "log"
the g
-index on the anti-log scale is also returned as gr
Janez Stare
Department of Biomedical Informatics
Ljubljana University
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Harald Heinzl
Department of Medical Computer Sciences
Vienna University
Vienna, Austria
Frank Harrell
Department of Biostatistics
Vanderbilt University
Buckley JJ, James IR. Linear regression with censored data. Biometrika 1979; 66:429–36.
Miller RG, Halpern J. Regression with censored data. Biometrika 1982; 69: 521–31.
James IR, Smith PJ. Consistency results for linear regression with censored data. Ann Statist 1984; 12: 590–600.
Lai TL, Ying Z. Large sample theory of a modified Buckley-James estimator for regression analysis with censored data. Ann Statist 1991; 19: 1370–402.
Hillis SL. Residual plots for the censored data linear regression model. Stat in Med 1995; 14: 2023–2036.
Jin Z, Lin DY, Ying Z. On least-squares regression with censored data. Biometrika 2006; 93:147–161.
See Also
, psm
, survreg
, Surv
, datadist
, GiniMd
, dxy.cens
ftime <- 10*rexp(200)
stroke <- ifelse(ftime > 10, 0, 1)
ftime <- pmin(ftime, 10)
units(ftime) <- "Month"
age <- rnorm(200, 70, 10)
hospital <- factor(sample(c('a','b'),200,TRUE))
dd <- datadist(age, hospital)
# Prior to rms 6.0 and R 4.0 the following worked with 5 knots
f <- bj(Surv(ftime, stroke) ~ rcs(age,3) + hospital, x=TRUE, y=TRUE)
# add link="identity" to use a censored normal regression model instead
# of a lognormal one
validate(f, B=15)
plot(Predict(f, age, hospital))
# needs datadist since no explicit age,hosp.
coef(f) # look at regression coefficients
coef(psm(Surv(ftime, stroke) ~ rcs(age,3) + hospital, dist='lognormal'))
# compare with coefficients from likelihood-based
# log-normal regression model
# use dist='gau' not under R
r <- resid(f, 'censored.normalized')
survplot(npsurv(r ~ 1), conf='none')
# plot Kaplan-Meier estimate of
# survival function of standardized residuals
survplot(npsurv(r ~ cut2(age, g=2)), conf='none')
# may desire both strata to be n(0,1)